Eden stood in the doorway of the hall admiring the scenery, if anything the academy was well situated. She could almost pick out the places where she would enjoy sketching the view. She checked her watch, there were still a few minutes to go. The walk was easy to the dorm, but the hockey bag annoyed her. Her leg was grazed where the sword constantly poked and bumped her. She looked over the people in the hall, the people that were to be her classmates. A relatively short guy practically collapsed nearby. His blonde hair and ear piercings caught Eden's eye and she looked at him with interest. He was breathing heavily from the sprint up the hill. [i]"intrested are you?"[/i] The dragon remarked [i]Why, are you?[/i] she replied with a stiff thought. She was getting exhausted of this having to share her personal space. She gravely wanted class to start, her brother started a new game yesterday and she wanted to pop around for a few rounds against him before curfew at the dorm. Her dad shoved her into the dorm to save travel costs everyday, she could still come around and visit whenever she wanted, the train ride would not take long. The dragon purred deep in her mind, his deep base gave her a headache. [i]"Look out for others with strengths that can be used in battle. Over time you will also notice those who have items like the one I gave you" Whatever you say boss.[/i]