Craig hadn't seen the explosion, nor had he heard it. How he knew anything about it was the news, coming at the speed of homeless people. Many people didn't know this but the homeless and the freak where somewhat of kindred spirits. Both were either ignored or people wished they were gone. On top of that no one would care if either one was to "disappear". It was no matter to Craig, what did was the wave of violence that followed. Unfortunately he would have to leave soon, living in the Shanty Town and being well liked by its community would buy him some time but soon enough the NYFC would come crashing through peoples doors. "Land of the free my ass," he thought to himself, "This was NOT what I fought for." Giving a rueful sigh as he left his little shelter. Craig made his rounds, checking on everybody for sickness or damage. Everyone seemed in as good as shape as one could expect from people with little to no access to medicine, at least all but Michael. Poor kid got jumped by some sadistic ducks who just wanted a kick. Craig could sense the injuries, two broken ribs, three cracked, fingers broken in multiple places, and some internal bleeding. It was a god damned miracle that he survived the night, no less than limping his way to the Shanty. Getting to work quickly, Craig called over some people to help carry Michael to "The Tent". After laying the kid down on the mat Craig used a pair of scissors to cut both the jacket and shirt to get to the most pressing issue. Placing a wooden stick into the kids mouth with an idle [i]" This is going to hurt."[/i], Craig focused his energies and a green glow emanated from the space between Craig hands and the kids body. Then came the sounds of snapping and the kids howls of pain as bones came together and reknit themselves together. To his credit the kid kept the stick clenched tightly between his teeth as the operation took its course. In about five minutes the whole thing was over and the kid passed out from exhaustion. Stepping out of "The Tent" Craig made his way to his little shelter and began to get his stuff together, which wouldn't take long being homeless and all. As much as he wanted to stay it was futile to believe he could, the NYFC would tear through everyone to get to him so he needed to leave for their sake. Apparently there was a place he could go that would help him hide, he didn't know where it was but it was better than letting these people get hurt. With little else besides a backpack and a gallon of water Craig left the Shanty Town with some goodbyes and wishes fir safety.