South scoffed lightly at the question, shaking her heads slightly. “What’s a hobby?” She replied, looking over to North who nodded in agreement. “Yeah... pretty much ever since we got into this whole Freelancer project I don’t remember having a whole lot of free time. Then again a lot of that is probably our own fault. We took a lot of those extra classes and training regiments they offered early on.” As Pennsylvania walked over and spoke South looked up at him, smiling slightly. “See? This guy gets it. I like him.” As she finished off her sentence she let out a big yawn and sank slightly into her chair as North stood up. “Okay kiddo, I think that does us for the day.” In truth he wanted to converse with South about the other agents, see what she thought. She was more analytical than she let on and he found her friendly and approachable and naive nature tended to lull others into a sense of security that allowed them to talk more freely with her and she remembered a lot. Not that she would ever use the information in any sinister way; she was too nice for that. But it was always interesting to hear what she thought. As the girl got to her feet North began ushering her away. “Gentleman, I bid thee goodnight, if night were in fact possible here... though since we’re in space there isn’t really a chance for days or nights to pass...” She trailed off very slightly as she began walking away, glancing over and seeing Iowa sitting over on his own, eating. “Later Doc!” She called, waving to him as she and her brother left the room. “I still have no clue how the heck you remember everyone both in and out of amour. I had no clue who we were talking to back there until they introduced themselves.” “I just... remember things.” She shrugged slightly as they began walking down a hall towards the sleeping quarters. “That and I may have taken a look at the agent files on the ride over here.” “Is that allowed?” “What do you think?” South replied with an eye roll.