It was Saturday morning and the Rose Cafe was packed with customers. Sophia was hard at work taking orders and making drinks. The cafe, which was established by her parents and named after her paternal grandmother, was her pride and joy. It was her inheritance and one day she would be running it in her parents' place. For now Sophia was attending a local college in order to obtain a business degree. She already knew the ins and outs of the business, but she felt that having a college degree as well would be best. Having sailed through high school with good grades and good scores on the ACT, Sophia had managed to obtain a full scholarship to the local college. When not attending classes she was at work in the cafe. At the moment Sophia was busy behind the counter using the espresso machine to make drinks. As she worked she happily hummed a tune from her favorite video game series--the Legend of Zelda. The restaurant was busy and full of the buzz of multiple conversations. The hum of machinery, the movement of feet and chairs, the sound of the steam as Sophia heated up the milk sounded like music to her ears. Her most recent order completed, Sophia put the drinks on a round tray and started to make her way out behind the counter and to the front of the shop. As she did George, one of their workers, suddenly rushed past her and Sophia spun expertly, holding the tray above her head so that it wouldn't get knocked away. "Be careful, George!" She called after him as she lowered the tray again. She stopped for a moment to inspect it. Everything was still perfect and not a drop had spilled. Smiling to herself, Sophia delivered the drinks to the customers waiting for them. Just then a familiar face appeared in the door. He was a regular who lived in an apartment about the bakery next door. Sophia didn't really know anything about him other than his name, but as always she greeted him warmly saying, "Hello, Tim! What can I get for you today?"