(That is okay, Anime_Freak.) Patricia smiles slightly and feels the turquoise fire touching her nerves and slowly untwisting them, but this pain was somewhat relaxing. The pain slowly reduces in intensity and that causes her cloak to stop phasing in and out of existence. "[b]Thank you Kura, that helps though I never will get rid of this scar[/b]," Patricia said, "[b]You are both kind people, Erin and Kura[/b]." Patricia's Pulsar Dragon Necklace stops pulsing as well but her hair starts glowing and she gains rainbow colored highlights in her hair. Patricia's Dragon Mark starts to glow normal on her left leg and it is not affecting her right leg's injury. Patricia is slightly more relaxed than normal, and she takes out a photo from her left leg pocket, it is a photograph of her entire family including her but only her immediate family. "[b]I can only remember my family's faces but not their names I do not know why[/b]," Patricia said crying slightly mainly at this remembrance. Patricia puts her family photograph back into her pocket since it brings her too many tears for not remembering her immediate family's name. Patricia looks down at her dragon mark, and looks somewhat angry at it but slightly looks back up at Erin, Kura and smiles kindly. The pain returned but not as intensely and so Patricia just grins but remembers something that the Headmaster told her at her old school, she had a flashback for a split second, but she hardly remembers what he said to her, her eyes was slightly teary and kinda tired. "[b]So what is the next thing we do in this school[/b]?" Patricia asked confused, "[b]Because I did not really look at those things involving school[/b]." Patricia looks at her cloak and puts it in her hands since she feels a lot better but she does not really need food since she runs on determination and other things instead of food, since that food she made was magical in nature. "[i]I hope everyone in this school is as nice as these two[/i]," Patricia thought to herself.