[b]"Those are two different things white boy. One is taking some animal that is fucked up by nature and putting it into someone, the other is adding a self-destruct button into someone. Two different things, basic mad scientist 101."[/b] Zain said as he sat back in his chair, putting his feet up on the table. Zain rolled his eyes as Oliver started to rant at him. [b]"You are the thing grandmothers get to feel like they are loved. Also.."[/b] He held up his new claw, flexing his fingers slightly to show off the massive muscles in his hand. [b]"This is a claw."[/b] He then sat forward, leaning towards Oliver. [b]"And I don't want to hear shite about racism or any other type of ism from the white boy who's first words to everyone was "By the way I am a millionaire."[/b]