[i] A mysterious man only known as the "Tzar" has called together the greatest scientists of his universe with his vast wealth and plethora of resources and built a machine called The Summoner. At any given point, when turned on, the machine will pull the greatest living combatant from a certain universe into their own, where they will be taken in with kindness and put to the test in the Colosseum, an arena where either holographically projected VR battles between two warriors will take place, or a legitimate face to face fight to the death. No one knows who the Tzar is or what he looks like- just tht he is the wealthiest and most well known man anywhere, and everyone loves his fights. So don't let him down.[/i] Welcome, Sci-Fi fans one and all! Here you can pull your own favorite character from any sci-fi universe and give them a break from fighting their enemy. Here, they will be given a chance to socialize and live amongst each other in a community. The only confition is that you mist fight when the Tzar tells you to. So spare no expense! Just remember that overly powerful characters will be inhibited to an extent so no one is outclassed and everyone can be involved with each other! One last thing: Dibs on Isaac Clarke.