[center] [img=http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/a-water-covered-world-in-deep-space-marc-ward.jpg] [/center] [center][b]The World Newspaper[/b] [/center] [i]"Extreme precipitation is likely when a storm passes through a warmer atmosphere holding more water. In warmer months, it takes the form of torrential rainstorms; in winter, blizzards are more likely. At the same time, most regions, in the face of warming temperatures, are losing snow cover on the ground that lasts longer than 30 days. Winters are shorter, fewer cold records are set, more precipitation is falling as lots of rain and less as snow—although whopper snowstorms are even more likely in some places—and snowpacks are shrinking and melting earlier. Whether precipitation falls as rain or snow, these extremes can heighten the risk of flood, and cause economic and social disruptions for communities unprepared to cope. Wet places are getting wetter. Atmospheric circulation over oceans, plains, and mountains helps determine where rainforests thrive and semi-arid regions develop. However, wet places tend to get wetter and dry places dryer in a warming world—as is already occurring today. Places now wetter than the historical average include Northern Europe, eastern North and South America, and northern and central Asia. Northern Scandinavia and South and North Korea recorded precipitation increases of 30-50 percent per decade between 1979 and 2005. In the U.S. Northeast, the number of days with very heavy precipitation rose by 80 percent over the last 50 years, while the number of such days in the U.S. Midwest rose 40 percent. Yet even as rainfall occurs in heavier events, the periods between these extremes are likely to become longer, warmer, and drier. Scientists expect these trends to intensify if our carbon emissions continue unabated."[/i] It is the year 2065 and Earth, is nothing but water, not even the tallest mountian surfaces the constant blue of the ocean. We were warned that our current ways would melt the polar ice caps, that global warming would be the death of us all and it has been, the Ice caps melted flooding every major city, then it began to rain for days on end, seven years to be exact, Religious fanatics called it the Happening, that God was preparing another flood to wipe out humanity for good, and it would seem that's exactly what happened for soon all we knew of civilization and the luxury of land was gone. Very few people were left in the world and water animals began to adapt, growing larger with the expansion of the ocean, soon Megalodons became a thing of current nightmares and a mass problem, other sharks enlarged and Alligators and Crocodiles adapted to the saltwater and grew in mass as well, they grew fins where there feet had been and on their tails, they'd float in the water waiting for an unexpected human to gtab a hold of them thinking they were a place to rest. Life was hard but humans adapted, maybe a little to well as certain humans grew fins for legs and feet, mermaids became real and hybrids as well, pirates sailed the never ending ocean on trash heaps they called ships. The only known land was cast off pieces of material tied together that could float. Many often grew big enough to support full villages with bars and trading shops. Welcome, to [b]WATER WORLD[/b] Character Sheet: Name: Age: Spieces: (Mermaid, Hybrid, Human) Appearance: Personality: Equipment/Companions: Bio: (Technology was destroyed with the period of Tsunamis and seven years of rain, the only working guns are rare to find and ammo is even more rare, Mermaids may not leave the water or they will [b]DIE[/b], Humans may not stay in water for long periods or they will also [b]DIE[/b] Hybrids have the luxury of land and water though they cannot go weeks without leaving the water or weeks staying on land. Ships can be used though they are not ran by motors and are built out of the only scraps people can find and generally are rather small)