[b][u]Cynn Ellime[/u][/b] Cynn looked down at her scars and began to blush. She had hoped they weren't very noticeable. They might not have been, actually, had she not been constantly trying to cover them up. The term "Streisand Effect" popped into the young elf's mind briefly. She realized that covering them up wasn't going to help anything. [i]No,[/i] she thought, looking Pitch over once more. [i]It really won't; not with this one. He'll only settle for a story. Lucky for him, I love stories.[/i] Cynn smirked in a very similar way to the slightly insane smiles Pitch had been exuding for the duration of their conversation as she began to tell her story. She leaned across the table, resting her chin on her fists. She stared into the eyes of the young man across from her. "So, you want to know how I got these scars, eh?" The elf's smile widened, impossible as that seemed. "Well, you see, it was in this very dining hall. All the demons had been hijacked by some group out to spill noble blood. The whole room was in chaos, and I come charging in through that wall over there," Cynn pointed to the cracks where the hole created by a rampaging monster had been repaired. "All kitted up in my best. I've got the best breastplate on the Elvish market on, I've got my rapier in hand, and right on the other side of that hole is a demon about as tall as this table is long." She could tell Pitch was itching to hear about the cuts that caused the scars because he perked up at the first sign of impending harm. Cynn wasn't gonna let him have his sadistic climax just yet, though. "I know I can't take on something like that, not even with all my training. I'm looking for a way out when WHAM! Alaira...have you met Alaira? I'd say you should, but you probably really shouldn't. Just be glad she's on our side when the fighting breaks out." The girl was getting off topic, so she cleared her throat and continued. "Anyway...Alaira, super strong elf girl, comes flying out of nowhere and knocks him over. Imagine the ruckus that caused in the nearby demons!" The man's let-down eyes gave Cynn a certain happiness. Another word, [i]schadenfreude[/i], came into her head, distracting her from her story for a few moments. She felt like she should really just give him what he wanted, lest she become a madman like he. She blinked the word out of her mind and started onward. "So, I run past the distracted demons without a problem. I'm looking around for a target that I can take when I notice a sneaky little assha-...a masked assassin with two ornate knives approaching the nobles that had been attending the feast. Some student or staff member - I never got to figure out which - was holding him off with a sword, but the man was just toying with him. I sprinted over and got in front of him, already [i]en garde[/i]. He makes some remark about futility, throws the knife, nails the student or whatever in the head..." The memories were getting harder for Cynn to be faux-eccentric about at this point. Her smile had faded, and she was finding it hard to maintain eye contact with Pitch. "That set me off. I attacked, and he dodged, prepared to toy with me like he had with the newly deceased man before me. I was smarter than that, though. I'd attacked slowly at first, as a feint, and then followed through lightning-quick, nicking him...I think it was in the arm somewhere? "I had the upper hand for a few moves; I even managed to disarm him and throw his knife across the room. But then...he was so fast... He just flashed over to the knife and flashed back. I couldn't even react. I tried - I really tried - to match his speed, but he just had no limit. The knives swirled, cutting everything they could find. My breastplate, which could stop the finest blades in my home realm, wasn't even paper to them. I felt all my life just seep out of me, as if the knives were pulling out my blood. Then I blacked out." Cynn sighed shakily, feeling a mixture of emotions. She wasn't in any state to breech the surface of that swirling mess, so she just felt confused. She looked at Pitch. "I went into a coma, woke up briefly, and fell right back into it. I guess my body just wasn't fully rested the first time... I don't know. I just know that I woke up again only minutes ago. You're the first person I've talked to." It felt good to get that big piece of information off her chest. Admitting it to this man meant admitting it to herself, and she was happy she had done that. She didn't mention the scar on her neck, though, which had faded significantly while she was sleeping. That could be a story for another time.