[quote=scribz] Genuine question, not me taking a stab or anything because yesterday I was stressed and in a very queer mood. But, what bothers you more, that people are reacting to you negatively, or that you don't understand why. [/quote] The not understanding why. I'm not even bothered by people not liking me. Hell, when people do get insanely bothered/angry at me I just laugh because it shows they have nothing better to do, and show's I'm apparently important enough to them to create such a reaction. What bother's me is the not knowing. I always hate not knowing/understanding something, being left in the dark, lied to, etc. So when people behave in very angry/hostile ways for apparently no reason, it bothers me because I'm just dying to know what the line of reasoning is (or if they are not actually using reason, what causes them to emotionally explode in such ways). *This point forward is just me going on a general rant about how people are confusing. So stop reading here if that doesn't interest you. It's partly me just typing/thinking it out anyways for my own clarity of mind and understanding* In 20 years of being alive, seeing people behave, their reactions to things etc, the mass amount of contempt in spam just grows more and more puzzling. Though honestly it's not just people in spam, this puzziling behaviour I have observed everywhere. By which I mean, upon originally meeting them we did not only get along, but we flourished. But then seemingly overnight they would go from "Hey, you're cool" to "Fuck you. Fuck everything you do, Fuck everything you say and think!". And whenever I look at the scenario as an outsider, and try to determine what action I did that may have caused this it always boils down to actions that I've seen others do all the time as well. Which always leads back to "If most people are doing X, why am I the only one being given crap for X?". Sometimes I don't even need to do X for them to get mad, for example: *Makes Joke Thread* *OMG Gwazi! Why start an argument* *It was a joke...* *Oh you see!? He's clearly starting an argument!* Now, in that kind of example specifically I'm finding it seems to be largely a self-fulfilling prophecy matter. Some spam members [i]expect[/i] me to start an argument/debate, so they read anything I post with the mindset I am starting shit, even if I'm simply having fun with others. So then they respond starting a conflict which a false accusation such as "Why are you starting a fight!?", but no matter what I say (or don't say) they already have 'proof' that I started an argument because their own post was made in an argumentative style. So it essentially becomes I could be doing literally anything, but if someone from spam who doesn't likes me feels like it, they can barge in yelling and screaming out of nowhere, and still pin it on me because they have more friends, popularity etc. than I do. I will note I do tend to start debates a lot. But the majority of the time such an issue has popped up in spam, I wasn't coming in looking to start a debate. I was just having fun, and then someone from spam chose to start a fight. But all this does still come back to that this had to have rooted somewhere. It's not like from my very first post in spam, everyone had locked eyes on me and decided "Let's start arguments with this guy and blame him for it". There had to be some event, some trigger that caused them to adopt such a viewpoint/expectation to begin with.