[quote=The_written_John] Why thank you grammar nazi... >_> Nice name by the way, Kindlespark, kinda reminds me of the ye olde generic name generator, did it take you hours thinking of that or did it just take a second? Cuz i don't know about you but, WOW, a+ for coolness there, governor! My computer is just melting from your class 100 level originality! It's so original you could put it in the grand museum of originality as the most original name to ever grace our world! And it'll have a tag underneath it saying "Kindlespark" most original name since cliche mc cliche, Cloud Strife or Sword mc guffin.I tink ima head to class now XD rage post is over. [/quote] Did you just rage post against a GM? xD And yes I thought of Kindlespark on the dot. I wanted a name that had something to do with fire, thought of Kindle, added spark. :P Fulgur Festinato wouldn't work btw, electricity would begin leaking out of the body before it built up enough to cause a heart attack. @Goy Okay... so... Magic is incredulously mundane in this world. ANYONE can do it. I believe there would probably be magic schools, but, just to be sure. Realize a mage is just going to be really good at something everyone can do. Mages aren't incredibly special compared to a Knight. Now, I'm not trying to downplay magic, but keep an understanding that your character probably isn't as respected as a mage would be in another fantasy realm.