Oh I'm still here. I suppose I'll just post these here for now. [hider=My CS]Name - Alexander "Alex" Saunders Alias - Hazard Powers - Telekinesis, Telepathy Weakness - Alexander's telekinetic power works in conjuncture with his physical strength. The stronger he is physically the more he can perform mentally. His telepathy on the other hand is completely mental performance, one that requires a constant level of concentration to keep it in check while conscious. Either of his abilities can tire him out and once he has expended his energy he is nothing more than a simple person and could be killed in a variety of ways. Experience - 18 months Appearance - [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Hazardnew_zpsfcce7360.png[/IMG] Age - 27 Brief Bio - Alexander was born in Washington D.C. and lived a somewhat different life than most. From an early age he learned two things about himself that set im apart from most people in the world. The first, something he has shared with only a select few people in his life to date, was that he had a genius level intellect. The second that he shared with no one was that he could hear voices in his head. As a child he didn't understand where the voices were coming from, but quickly learned that he could somehow hear people's thoughts. It drove him crazy at first constantly having voices besides his own in his head, and after some time he was able to learn how to control it and block the voices. The two together gave Alexander a bit of a social complex where he preferred to be alone which didn't help make friends for much of his young life. He eventually was able to overcome his fear that he would always be alone and began to branch out and begin making friends in high school before leaving for college. It was his time at college that he began to let his intelligence shine through and was able to make some friends with similar intellects, although still hiding his capabilities from even them. Throughout his college career he excelled in all areas of his study and his 4.0 GPA never dropped a point, all the while he continued making more friends. Once his time at college came to an end he dropped off the grid and vanished from the public eye. He published the work he was doing under a pseudonym as he moved across the country doing various jobs in whatever city he would find himself. Until the villain Tox unleashed his attack on Millennium City. Once he had learned of the attack he focused all his efforts to trying to save the people infected with the mutagen from Tox's DNA. He quickly made his way to Millennium City and set up a lab in an abandoned warehouse he purchased under another pseudonym, and with some luck he was able to gather some of the mutagen to begin his work trying to create a cure. An unprecedented accident however caught him by surprise one day when an up and coming villain burst into the warehouse trying to escape from the hero Titan. With the protective gear that Alex was wearing his identity was protected from the two but the ensuing battle between the two destroyed much of the lab and in the process several different strains of the cure that Alex had been working on had somehow fused and ended up coming in contact with Alex himself. Alex took his chance when he saw it and escaped from the now burning warehouse and returned to his home in the city. It wasn't until several days later that he came down with an unknown sickness that put him into a coma for nearly a month. Since he has awoken from the coma he has taken up a job with a local lab working on various projects. In his spare time he has spent his time developing his newfound power of telekinesis, something he can only assume was from the mixture of chemicals that he came into contact with, and creating the alias of Hazard. Notes - His alias he took from the headline from the next days paper after the warehouse battle between Titan and the villain. 'Hazard Averted!' had been what was printed in large letters on the first page above a picture of the burning warehouse in the background with Titan handing the villain over to the authorities. It seemed odd to Alex that the work hazard had been used, and not crisis, but he took the word and began to use it as his own name. Commitment - Everyday for now, once work starts up again I won't be available till after five, but I should be able to keep with the two post per week.[/hider] [hider=Micros][IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/ToonMaster_zpsa16e09c0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Titan3_zpsb5345a85.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Demon_zpsad77233a.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Echo_zps61235f93.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Quicksilver_zps29adaee0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/RoninCivilian_zpsa98fc05c.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab337/Caged_Ardvark/Ronin_zpsc47c7118.png[/IMG] [/hider]