[b]Name:[/b] Toriand'r ( Tori For Short. ) [b]Alias:[/b] Starbolt [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sponsor:[/b] Wonder Woman. (Formerly Starfire.) [b]Personality:[/b] Toriand'r comes from a highly sensuous, Honest and emotional culture. For the most part she is in touch with her emotions but can get a little hot tempered at times, She is a honest individual that is often optimistic but has a no nonsense warrior attitude with a gentle innocence. Despite that innocence she is free spirited and can have a wild sexuality but will take friendships seriously, Toriand'r can often get distressed when others that are close. Especially her friends argue or fight with one another. [b]Powers:[/b] With her Tamaranean Physiology, Starbolt's body is able to absorb and Project energy from ultraviolet rays, Starbolt can project that energy in the form of destructive blue bolts. Thanks to a Ring that was specially made for her so she is able to fly like others in her species, The speed of Starbolt's flight can be supersonic, Although she has yet to achieve this. Also, Starbolt's strength and endurance is more superior to that of a normal human. Starbolt is also able to "absorb" any basic spoken tongues and languages through lip contact with another individual, so that she can speak and understand it immediately. Thanks to the training she had with warlords on the planet Okaara, Starbolt has become an excellent fighter in hand-to-hand combat, both armed and unarmed being ambidextrous and agile. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] One of the first major weaknesses is the ring that was made for her for without it Starbolt can not fly due to her childhood illness which would effectively ground the Tamaranean. Another weakness in fact can be were Starbolt's body constantly absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is converted into energy enabling her to use energy projection but this can act sometimes beyond her control for example releasing a small blue energy blast when she sneezes or where she does not know her own strength and accidental bending of a street light or bending/breaking other objects, Despite her strength and endurance being superior to a human starbolt is unable to survive in hostile environments or where there is no oxygen. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/aNEWstarbolt_zps98048b62.png[/img] Toriand'r is a very physically attractive woman though few would be brave enough go so far as to call her beautiful, she stands at a height of 5'10 and weighting 158lbs with Black hair she chooses to wear freely, Gold leather skin with light blue eyes thanks to her alien physiology giving her a exotic look for her kind. She has a medium size nose, hands, and ears, and thin eyebrows with high cheekbones and delicate over average size lips, She wears a size 8 shoe with a figure of 37-27-35, A good feminine build with a fit, Curvy figure and Slender shoulders. [b]Biography:[/b] Toriand'r did not have the most easiest of life's on Tamaran and although born to a loving family things were made all the more tougher when she suffered from a childhood Illness that robbed her of the ability to fly. The inability of the use of flight like the others in her race made her feel a little outcast as she did not have as many privileges as others. Despite these hardships and in Tamaran's warlike custom, Toriand'r was sent for warrior training with the Warlords of Okaara. this took up most of her childhood year with hard work and training pushing hard to prove herself but for whom she never thought about. Upon returning to her home Toriand'r was given a ring that was especially forged to give the wearer like herself the ability to fly, It was the most amazing gift the was given to her and soon additional help and training with flying was needed. Eventually Tori's family had taken her to earth with the hope, honour and opportunity to put everything she had learned and experienced so far to join the Young Justice League under a sponsor who was originally Starfire however due to her commitments as Princess of the Tamarean people, Wonder Woman became a sponsor seeing the potential in Starbolt, this would make her first time on Earth.