[b]Clayton Burrows - Gas Go Markets Gas Station - Ada Cinet[/b] Clayton stood there idly as she witnesses Ada ripping the guts out of the recently deceased walker. There didn't seem to be any form of flinch or hesitation in her movements. Her facial expressions remained still and focused when defiling the corpse. This surprised Clayton greatly. He knew she had climatized herself to the new world but didn't expect her to be this settled in. To Clayton it seemed like an example of evolution. When the world hits them hard, the human race found a way to adapt and survive; even if it does stink to high heaven. "I think......that they like, see you, by smelling you... or something...or more like...it's whatever the sickness is, if you cover yourself in it, they get confused..." she said, taking breaks in between her words to rub the blood and gore all over. He can barely recognize her under all the guts and blood. She was just showering herself in it, creating a bigger stink than the Watergate scandal; he was only 12 when it happened. Clayton was intrigued by this new information on the walkers. They follow their noses. Just like a lot animals do in the wild. These walkers truly are the basest of human instincts. The nose is probably the most important part of the human body because we use it smell everything to see our comfortable we feel with it. It can range from food to pheromones and it appears these creatures use their own smell as a form of identification. Clayton couldn't help but admire the undead bastards. "I'm not a doctor or anything... just had a lot of time to try and figure out what made 'em tick... all I know, is they don't attack their own, and through this, we can walk into a crowd of them and be fine." Said Ada. Clayton knew that it was a risky plan. There's a whole crowd of them out there and if they suspect something's wrong then they're fucked. However, he didn't any better solutions and he would rather find a spare change of clothes and smell pig shit for a few weeks than getting his own guts ripped apart by the creatures; as much as he admires them, he's too stubborn to let himself go. "Look, we just met, I get that-- But honestly, you're the first person I've seen that didn't just try to kill me...or try and use me in quite a while. I'd like it if you didn't die...So do you wanna rub this on yourself, or should I?” She shuddered when she mentioned the word used. He's seen some of the wicked shit that men do out in the wasteland. In his travels he once witnessed a man trying to rape some girl in his campsite. Repulsed, but not surprised, by the act, he shot the man in cold blood. He then found out that the man was the girl's father and she then shot herself in disgrace and fear. This world breaks men and women as easy as a rancher breaks horses. Clayton has no interest in having his way with Ada and even if he did, he'd probably have his dick cut off trying to do so. The old-timer is not some pimple faced freshman, his sex drive died out years ago. "Miss Ada, I'm 54 years old. I can assure you my sex drive died out years ago..." He then bent down to the mangled body and proceeded to bathe himself in blood and guts. "...besides...you're not my type." He rubbed his hands together, as if he was wiping soap on them, and covered himself in the filth that ironically will save his life. To save time he bent down again and splashed a bunch on in an instant, making himself look like a complete mess but that was the least of his problems. "I'm fine to get my hands dirty. I'd like to meet the man who doesn't in this crazed world." He wiped some of the filth on his cheeks and forehead. The stench made would make most people puke but his father was a butcher; he's seen worse. He wiped a lot of the puke on his neck as well. That's one of the key points for which a walker likes to strike; similar to how a canine attacks. "I'd like it if you didn't too. You've got a lifetime ahead of ya, even if it is in a world like this." He finally finishes drenching himself in blood and guts. If there was a mirror around, he would like shit...literally. He then wobbled himself over to the gas station door. The shuffling steps of the walkers were faintly heard as they draw neared but the still alarming noise of the car made it more difficult to hear them. He placed his hand on the door and look towards Ada. "Let's take it nice and easy. I'm assuming they're not stupid enough to ignore odd movements." He then took one last sigh before going literally face to face with nature itself. "Ready?"