Kokai whistled a tune as he walked the streets of Konoha, holding the bags in his hands in a loose grip. He had just returned from the market, needing supplies for his dinner, and decided to take a stroll around the town to pass the time. He glanced at the watch on his wrist, and smiled when he saw the time. 'And still half a day left,' Kokai thought to himself. 'I just may stop by the bookstore, then the training grounds before I have Gate duty.' He rustled the bags in his left hand, hearing the cans and boxes shift together, and turned left down a side street. 'Maybe I should ask Gorou if he wants to train.' Then, with a moment of silence, he shook his head. 'No, I forgot, he is in Kiri right now.' Sighing, he surrendered himself to his walk, and closed his eyes as he took in the sounds around him. This was a bad idea, as it would turn out, as he turned another corner. Still having his eyes closed, he walked right into another pedestrian. The bags in his hands were knocked from his grip, and cans and fruit rolled away from the collision. "D-Damn it, sorry about that!," said the man he walked into. Glancing up after stooping to pick up his things, Kokai took in the sight of the boy's Hitai-ate. "Are you alright?" Kokai smiled as the two picked up the items, clearing the street quickly. "Maa, I don't bruise as easily as my bananas do," he said as he picked up the beaten bunch of fruit. "Although I think we both should have been looking where we were going." Groceries back in his bags, Kokai rose to his feet. "My deepest apologies, Shinobi-san." Kokai rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.