Usually When Someone where to Challenge Oliver, He would Usually Back down. But He wasn't today. Not to Zain. there was one Thing that Really Pissed him off And it was People Using the words "Whiteboy" in a Insulting Sentence, Oliver Unsheathed His Ivory Claws His Claws where Tiny Compared to Zains But Oliver Could Jump and Move Fast, Speed is Essential. Oliver Began to Hiss getting up from his Chair and Making a Fighting Stance preparing to Claw Zains face off, and Replied with a Angry voice [b]I don't want to Hear Shite from a guy who Acts Tough all the Time when Hes Not, Also I was Merely Announcing the Truth, Also I may be the things that "makes Grandmas Feel like there Loved" But its a Hell of a Lot better than being a Ugly Creature that Crawls through Holes for a Living, And is Shunned By society Also I'll Have you Know that Housecats Eat Rats like you[/b]