Ahn Vora at last made his way onto the bridge, his cloak whirling around him as he plopped down into the captain's chair at the center of the room. He made it just in time to see the ship lift off out of the hanger, and also in time to see that to the far right of their view screen, as the rubble cleared their view, was a mysterious drop ship blasting off of the planet at high speeds, it's lift off point likely around the general vicinity of the area where the enemies were landing, meaning that this ship more than likely belonged to the enemy. It certainly wasn't Furzai or any known IGCP craft, further cementing his suspicions. "Alright, everyone, let's see what we can do in stopping this attack," he commanded. "We follow that enemy drop ship to the source," as he said this he did a dramatic flourish of his wrist to point at the ship in question. "It's unlikely that they'd be equipped with a cosmodrive capable of faster than light travel, so if that's the case then they will first need to dock with the ship they came here with. It's at that moment that we will be able to locate the main enemy ship and teach it a thing or two before it has a chance to escape. Targeting it's engines will be the focus of our strikes, but if it's cloaked from even our physical viewing then we may have no choice but to take shots in the dark. Now let's get this show on the road!" As the ship went on it's way, the AI spoke up onto the bridge. "Welcome aboard, Captain Vora," she said. "I had rather the most unpleasant alarm clock awaken me, but it looks like the situation is settling itself rather nicely. All system necessary for this task are go. Main engine now online." Most of the crew pressed back into their seats as the ship lurched forward, breaking through the planet's atmosphere with seemingly minimal effort as the chased after the enemy craft glittering in the sunlight ahead of them. ******************** M'rayl wasn't the shy type, although this awkward situation was enough to cause her to blush and turn her gaze away from any eye contact with him for a brief moment. With the seriousness of the situation at hand, at least, they could quickly pretend that this never happened and go onto business, an excuse to quickly press onward and avoid an awkward silence. She turned back to face him as she got up and brushed herself off, then gave her own military salute in return, although of the IGCP variety. She could tell what he was doing even if not exactly the same. Her left arm hung at her side and her right forearm crossed her torso, ending with two of her fingers on her left shoulder. With that she gave a brisk bow. "Do you need medical assistance? Or rest?" She questioned him, eyeing how weary he looked from the conflict outside. The ship suddenly jerked, causing her to be the one to stumble into him this time, her forehead banging against his chest. "Owie," she thought to herself, barely managing to maintain her footing. ******************** The AI went back to Isaac. "That was a rather interesting ability that you don't want to get out. Is it safe to assume that you won't attempt to fry me as well for learning your secret? If you do that then there may be a mutual barbeque on our hands, although with my safeguards installed it might end a bit better for me then it will for you. This is all just conjecture, however, based on the estimated electrical impulses that I could estimate coming from your body. Or, to put this all simply so that even the mind of an organic can understand, I could probably zap you better then you could zap me. Or maybe my zapping would have to be done with something other then electricity if you were also immune to it? Hmm...what do you make of this dilemma," she questioned, apparently amused with this revelation.