[b]"No you were announcing something that you thought would make you seem better than everyone else and you know it [I]White Boy.[/I]"[/b] Zain said, straining the word white boy. He sat forward, seemingly relaxed but he was secretly preparing his newly transformed right hand to whack Oliver aside when he pounced, Zain may not of been book smart but he could spot when a cat wanted to try and attack. [b]"And I'm not 'acting tough' white boy. I am acting like someone who actually had to learn the facts about life the hard way boy, unlike some. I use common sense and common sense says when you are locked in a room full of convicted criminals, wake jobs, and murderers you shouldn't worry about being nice."[/b] Zain said, his massive claw now ready to smack Oliver away if he tried and pounce, he may not of been able to catch the cat afterwards but he could damn sure keep the thing away from him. [b]"And I don't know who you are talking about with the crawling through dirt thing because it sure as hell isn't me. I may be a homeless kid called a rat, but trust me [I]WHITE BOY[/I] I was definitely not spliced with rat DNA."[/b] As soon as he finished talking the room was filled with others shouting, the last of which being lad himself. He smirked before he jumped out of his room. [b]"Yeah gramps have fun with the whomping tax you get from me, the amazing sum of jack shite."[/b] He said before being pushed by a guard towards the exit.