Worth noting that yeah, as America freaks out, it being America, law enforcement is overlooking possession of a firearm for people with no priors. It really depends on the mood of the cop, but they're letting conceal or open carry slide unless someone is being dumb, partially because there is magical shit bursting all around that might need to be put down with a weapon at hand. Wooden and silver rounds are popular sells at sporting goods stores and there are, correspondingly, a lot more accidents happening at the moment. It's PA, so the shotgun on a rack in the cab of a truck thing applies (picture below for you foreigners.) [img=http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17ea8kyilyc42jpg/original.jpg] Haye is no different and it's hunting country...so even the -Volvos- have these things in some cases now. Happy shooting. ;)