Pennsylvania shrugged in a good natured way when South mentioned him getting it. "Not too terribly odd a concept, really. Especially if we end up working together to any degree, some codenames are a bit, how you say, unwieldy to be yelling?" His own codename was probably the most guilty of that little crime, trying to yell that for any reason didn't seem to work well in his mind's eye. But, it was neither here nor there, as North and South took their leave of the small group, and he inclined his head to the two as they went to leave. "Get some good rest, I reckon tomorrow is going to be interesting, one way or another." Pennsylvania had heard rumors, about some of the testing today, and what might be coming up in the future. But those were, after all, only rumors, and one could only put so much faith in a rumor. But he ate light, as he always chose to do, his smaller frame out of armor didn't need a lot to sustain it at optimal levels. Which probably might strike people odd, if they really wanted to think about it hard, which most probably didn't want to. But he finished eating quickly, rising from the table and nodding to those still there, making his last statement before retiring for the night. "I shall be making an early night of it as well, I suspect we shall need the energy for tomorrow. Rest well, and best of luck to each of you."