[i][b]Front Hall It's oddly clean in here so far. Three hallways connect to the end of the room ahead, one leading left, one leading right, and one continuing forward. The hallway to the right leads to a locked door, and a few of empty picture frames hang on the walls. The left hallway leads to what appears to be a living room of some sort, and the one straight ahead leads past a staircase. Not much of the upper floor can be seen from down here, but there seem to be a few other open doorways if one continues to follow the hallway instead of climbing the stairs. A little ways away from the door, on the right side of the front hall, there appears to be a closet door. There might be a couple of old coats inside, but nothing else of interest seems visible.[/i][/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [centre][i]They're here already? I'd better go meet them. We don't want another incident...[/i][/centre]