Ryan's spaceship flew through the darkness of space at a fast speed, trying to get to earth as soon as possible so that he could begin his investigation of the tyrant Dark-Thanos. He couldn't deny that he was both a little nervous and curious to be heading back to earth after so many years. The last time he was on earth, he had been picked up by the Galactic Warden's scoutship as a very young child and was taken off into space to be trained as one of them. Even though life had been extremely hard and he had been under constant threat of death in the line duty, he would have never wanted to go back to his life at the orphanage, that part of his life was dead to him. But the sight oft he planet brought back the painful memories of his parents and their death. The possibilities of returning to his old home and seeing what had become of the place went though his mind and considered doing it. But he didn’t expect another family to own the house since normally a home where the residents had been brutally murdered never really recovered from such a tragedy. On his way to earth he had noticed several changes in the structure of the galaxy especially with the new planets he had never really seen before until recently. No doubt that this had to be the work of Dark-Thanos, but he wondered how much the entire universe had from such an event and if it meant something sinister would happen in the coming future. Earth was soon very close and the ship began to shake a bit as he entered the planet’s atmosphere and descended down towards earth. He was making sure not to do any crazy moves with his ship otherwise it could fall out of the sky and possibly crash. The ship came out of the upper atmosphere and flew down through the clouds towards the world below. His ship’s computer told him that he was heading towards New Metropolis and Ryan knew that this was city where Superman lived. He decided that this would be a good place to start his investigation of the tyrant Dark-Thanos and he wondered how much the city had changed from when he had visited there as a very kid before his parents had died. He pulled his ship out of its downward dive and flew above the city and was looking for a more obscure place to land his ship and keep it hidden from the population since earth was still classified as a primitive world and thus would try and use his ship’s technology for their own personal gain. The city looked really beautiful from where he could see up in the air and he felt happy to see human structures after so many years. He spotted the outskirts of New Metropolis and he flew his ship in that direction. He soon found a place to land the ship and slowly had it land in a clearing. After he landed the ship Ryan put it in cloaking mode to hide it from any of the people that might come by the place. Once he had all of the things he would need to begin his mission, he took off into the air and started his investigation of Dark-Thanos. --- Grim Shadow had finished up his dealing with a criminal and left him cowering in fear and calling for his mother. He wondered what might be another good deed that he may have to do. He then got a message from his master and received instructions from his master to go to New Matropolis and meet with the other heroes. Death told him where he would find them and Mortimer Death Walked to the city and place where Nicholas and Tesla were. He stood before them dressed in very dark robes and his face covered in shadows, but his eyes which were a cold steely gray looked at the other heroes, curious to know if any of these heroes would good enough for what might come. "Greetings, I am Grim Shadow, servant of Death" he spoke in a dark voice.