Rurik lifted his head once more, though this time it more shot up and nearly popped off his shoulders. What had he just heard? A wyvern? Really? He stood up and dashed over to Verin, suddenly forgetting that he was tired. This could be exactly what he needed. His eyes were wide and his mouth was twitching into a grin. It was a little creepy really, he was way too excited. "Did you say wyvern? You actually saw a wyvern? Nearby?" Rurik questioned him almost frantically. It was all he could do to contain himself and not just grab Verin and shake him until he said where he'd seen it. If he could just study this beast, it could help him develop his magic. A wyvern was most certainly a predator that could teach him something. Wyverns had talons right? Maybe he could even... but it was too soon to get [i]that[/i] excited. Would the guild be going after it, he wondered. If so, would they let him go? None of this meant anything if he didn't even get to see the beast. Even so, just the idea had him practically vibrating.