Patricia feels Erin grabbing her arm, and it feels like he is trying to keep her from floating away and it does work, she stationary stays only 2 inches above ground floating. "[b]Erin, thank you I have never had this happen at all[/b]," Patricia said to Erin, since this is the first time she is floating and crying. She thinks on it and this is the first time she has a headache, floating and coughing up blood in all a minor span of time within a day. Patricia's tears are still going; she cannot turn off her waterworks because of some imbalance within her system, though the floating is magical in nature. "[b]I guess, something decided to help me[/b]," Patricia said confused and crying, while floating. Patricia feels her body slowly reaching the ground, and the Bluish Gold aura vanished as soon as it appeared but Patricia felt a little bit exhausted too and she yawn a big yawn, as she has not slept for ten straight days but she was still crying. She was also still holding her heart with her left hand, but her heart was pumping five times faster than a human's heart, so her skin turned pale. Patricia starts coughing but this time it is not blood, mainly because her fever is a little too high mostly at 106 degrees Fahrenheit and climbing, but most humans die passed 105 degrees Fahrenheit of a temperature. "[b]I'm so hot, why does it feel like I am in an oven[/b]?" Patricia asked confused, coughing, crying, slightly happy that she is on the ground again, and a very high fever.