Although still tempted to join Lighthouse, Roze didn't follow him outside, instead lingering within with Elijah and Alto. [i]"You don't like it I'll walk you to the nearest FBI safe house I know of."[/i] She couldn't help but grin at that offer, finally relaxing somewhat as she turned back to Elijah. "Yeah, that won't be necessary, hot-stuff. There's no way I'm not taking part in this Avalon trip." She said, then her eyes darted towards the kid. She'd vaguely heard of Stucorp somewhere in the past, although couldn't recall what exactly it did. Whatever it was, it must have been gnarly enough to meddle with Metas. So... not a cupcake distributor. "However, if we happen to run into Lighthouse - or any other government friendly - at this place, I don't want fights breaking out. I, unlike you, are still on somewhat good terms with the government, which means I, unlike you, can still perhaps get us both home free without a prison sentence once this is all over." she said, placing one hand on her hip, smiling at Elijah. "So play nice, [i]ardente[/i]."