Nice to meet you and yes, we're still accepting. And you don't have to take the Prince, it's more of an option for anyone interested so feel free to make a PC from scratch. I'm rather curious what you come up with myself. On a side note, if you want your PC to know or have an connections to current ones (something I've found helps drag you into tons of trouble and allow natural interaction without forcing it) then I suggest pming the player. I know I'm usually looking for connections with other players as it allows Roan not to be so shy. :p As for speed posting, this rp is normally steady so no worries about thinking you have to keep a certain speed though I admit the OOC can always use the activity and buzz wouldn't you say? :P And we're more for quality then quantity when it comes to the rp so don't feel like you have to make your post rather lengthy, some of us just tend to get carried away when we write. Often. XD One last thing, I like your sig set rather pretty and elegant.