Whistle blowing, steam pouring from the engine, the midday train pulls into Magnolia station, brakes causing it to screech to a stop. New passengers start to purchase tickets, as the doors open, and the previous passengers spill out onto the platform. Men in business suits head to buildings downtown, kids run to hug parents who pick them up after the school day, and several other passengers head to their respective destinations. Aero steps off the train, and takes a deep breath, admiring the Magnolia air. He's just returned from a job in Clover Town, where the villagers were having a giant crab problem. He took the job, and sure enough, there were giant crabs there. Giant. Big as houses. He ended up having to freeze them all, and break them into tiny pieces. Not only did he fix their crab problem, he solved their food shortage as well, and as a gift he was given the Pisces Celestial Key, which he has no use for, but one of his guild mates might. Aero is going casual today, which for him is a button up shirt, slacks, black shoes, and a sports coat. Most people would say he's overdressed to be casual, but hey, it's what he's comfortable in. He heads down towards the station, stopping to talk with a few people he knows. Not knows in the sense that he would go over to their house for dinner, but the kind of know where he knows their name, what they do, and can carry on conversation for a minute. After leaving the station, Aero heads through the town, towards the guild. He stops at a few shops along the way to sell some items from his journey, and to get provisions for his next job. The further he gets into town, the more he notices the festivities strewn up around. "Wow, I can't believe I've already forgotten about the Harvest Festival. Didn't we just have one of those last year?" "Aero, you dork. You know that the harvest festival is every year, at exactly this time. I swear, if your head wasn't attached..." Enter a tall woman, with skin as pale as ice, hair that matches, and lovely silver eyes. Those eyes are currently looking him over, taking in his appearance, and most of all, his clothes. "When I left you in Clover Town you were in a full-on suit. Did you decide to go casual today?" He smiles, and rolls his eyes at her. She's his sprite, named Elena. An ice sprite, she matches him perfectly, with both her powers and personality. She's literally his best friend, and his inseparable partner. Inseparable except when he needs something collected. "Hello El, glad you made it to Iceberg and back alright. Did you get it?" "Of course I did Aero. You asked me too, so I can't exactly not fetch it can i?" Smiling playfully, she hands him a package, that's covered in frost and snow. He rips it open, and pulls out a pendant. Filled with NeverIce from the Iceberg Kingdom, it can never melt, and is extremely cold to the touch, though not to him. To him it feels like home.