Not a GM? How does that work? --- Name: Mark Heaton Alias: Wire Age: 19 Affiliations: Aperture Description: He stands at 5 feet and 8 inches. He is Caucasian, and has brown hair and light brown eyes. A slim yet toned build. Powers: Wire has nerves which transmit signals at the same speed as a wire. On average, that is a 300,000% improvement, and it permeates every nerve cell in his body and brain. This has given him the curious ability to change his perception of time at will, from real-time to almost a dead stop. 15 seconds could be extended to a full year; he has all the time in the world to formulate ideas and solve problems. The rest of his body is perfectly ordinary, unable to keep up with his thoughts, but able to work close to perfection within it's limits. His thought process is also faster in general. Mark can grasp things quickly even without making use of his ability, due to how fast his neurons can make connections. Nerve damage is not permanent for him. Unlike ordinary nerve cells, his can repair themselves back into full working order. Weaknesses: Electricity can be particularly dangerous for him. As his nerves give little to no resistance to currents, shocks that make it through his skin pass straight through him to ground. This can mean that if he is hit by an electric shock, he may not even flinch as he can counter the spasms as it passes through his body; especially as it passes through so quickly. However, if it passes through his heart, he is at serious risk of death from even a small shock. Computer and TV screens are restricting to him, as he cannot use them and his ability at the same time. No screen has a fast enough refresh rate to keep up with him. Skills: Wire is able to act without any noticeable hesitation. His combat style can be created on the fly to suit his opponent. He can learn new skills with breathtaking speed. Equipment: A handcannon with a variety of different ammunition, as follows: Incendiary rounds Tranquiliser rounds Armour piercing rounds Explosive rounds Grappling hooks Tracking bugs Liquid nitrogen capsules (for particularly troublesome metas) Adhesive capsules (for metas not affected by tranquilisers) Ranking: B Other information: English