Sophia stopped walking completely and just looked at Tim. He was nervous, fidgety, terrible with people, worse at making conversation, and just a complete shut-in. Yet she didn't blame him, didn't dislike him or shy away from him. She knew he was trying, and to her that was all that mattered. Sophia wondered just how much physical human contact he had and figured it was little to none. Perhaps it was just her being a good-natured person but Sophia really wanted to comfort him and give him a hug because he really seemed like he needed it. She decided to do just that. She pulled off her backpack and set it aside. Without a word she stepped close to Tim and put her arms around his shoulders. She hugged him tightly. "It's ok," Sophia reassured him. "I know you're trying really hard, and you're doing well. You just need to relax, alright? I promise I'm not going to ditch you just because you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. All you need to do is learn from them and press on. You'll get better as you go. I promise." Finally Sophia released Tim from the hug and she stepped back. Her heart was racing a bit and her cheeks were a bit pink from acting upon her sudden impulse. But still she did not shy away and instead picked up her backpack, smiled at Tim, and said, "Come on, let's keep going."