Chloe had always been an early riser as far as she remembered, though that was probably more from habit. The travelling merchants that took her in when they found her always were up before dawn to pack up camp so they could get as much travel in their day as possible. Despite being just a kid, she was expected to help out then as well, either by helping to pack their stuff, or by helping with other things. So she was used to only a few hours of sleep, and spending the rest of her day just being active. Rather it being training or just hanging out with friends. She tended to get twitchy when she just sat around doing nothing. By the time Alex had woken up, and the others had gone through their routines, Chloe had already been through her routine, had breakfast, and showered. It would be a rather impressive feat if she had a strict training regime. Training wasn't really her style, but it helped keep her occupied until her fellow guildmates were up and about. It usually just consisted of a light jog and a few push ups. She was sitting at the bar taking a large swig of some drink when she heard a commotion at the request board. Something about the requests being put on hold for a bit. "Oh, great, the requests are down. Now all I can do is sit here and drink. Such a [i]shame[/i]." She chuckled loudly to herself. A few of the others around her seemed to share her sentiments and joined her in laughing by ordering a refill of drinks for them. Might as well enjoy herself before she got back to work, after all, all work and no play made someone either too stressed or an un-fun person. So she ordered herself another drink, and proceeded to chug it. it was around this time that Verin came running into the guild, and ran face first into a wall. She couldn't help but wince a little as he did so, followed by a laugh at his enthusiasm at finding a Wyvern. Now that, was something she was interested in. Downing the last of her drink and practically jumping from her seat, she was at Verin's side in a flash. "Hiya guys!" She cheerily greeted Alex, Verin, and Rurik. "What's this about a Wyvern?" she questioned. If anything, she just wanted in on this little venture because she was slightly bored, and she hadn't fought anything worth fighting in awhile. A wyvern might be a good challenge for a change.