Charlie Mason only had one occupation besides being a student at the University of San Francisco, selling dope. College students were notorious for being short on money, and Charlie didn’t want to be among that group. The thing was however that dealing was great for his finances, but he wasn’t in it just to get paid. He was in it for the experience, the lifestyle, meeting people, unforgettable memories, and of course the thrill. “here ya go man enjoy” Charlie accepted the money from a guy counted it out, and handed the man his marijuana. “Some good stuff man enjoy smoke it embrace it..let it reach the depths of your soul man.” “ that’s fuck yoo..I fucks with you..” The man clearly blazed dapped up Charlie, and walked off, as Charlie smiled walking away and over to his friend who was smoking a cig sitting down on a bench. “Johnson you were right, this shit’s great, man.” Charlie sat down on the bench as Johnson passed him a cig. “I was telling you mate, no better business round here then the green. I mean there’s some dumb fucks moving some other shit, but guess what cops gonna take em out fast..if you think think business is booming now wait for tonight, wait for tonight everyone’s gonna want to get their smoke once their sauced up, that’s what I love bout this city.” Johnson just smiled as Charlie passed him the cig and he hit it again, life was good. …………………………………………………………………………… Floyd just smiled as he kissed Jordan again. This was definitely his best experience since coming to college, today was probably one of the best days of his life. Despite it’s horrific start in the parking lot things had went rather well. Finding out he had superhuman abilities as well as his roommate and there were others out there, managing to get his LSD shipped in without going to prison, finding a huge a dealer who could get him a lot of pills, fucking said dealer who happened to be hot, and scoring some free high quality MDMA from her which he considered the cherry on top of the ice cream that was the first Friday of college at the University of San Francisco. “Woooow you’re an animal.” Jordan giggled while Floyd was just pulling up his shorts. He checked his pockets to make sure he still had his envelope full of blotter, and baggie full of scripts. “Yeah you’re pretty wild too.” Floyd grinned as he made his way out the door. Going outside being exposed to the sunlight, everything was brighter, sounds were amplified. He’d experienced MDMA on a couple occasion’s, but now it felt even better. Mixing molly’s effects with the effects of his abilities produced a great effect, it seemed they synergized well. “Oh my god…” He felt more wonderful then ever and wondered how great it would be to trip. Floyd felt like he loved everyone, and had an urge to call his mom to tell her how much he loved her. He took out his phone as he made his way down the stairs to the parking lot. He quickly went to his contact and began setting up a group text. [i]Z’s on Deck!!![/i] Already someone texted me back and then another text. I was about to respond to both when my phone was ringing and I saw it was Matt. “Yo.” Floyd said cooly but happy someone picked up the phone. “Man you got some bars on you man? White Sticks” Matt responded with curious enthusiasm. “”Yeah man got more then a party pack whatcha need.”Floyd “Shit..well if there $5 a pop I just wanna get like 10 for me and my buddy, hey man tho if your tryna make some money you should hit the fucking Attic! Those shits will go off, hella dude’s be wanting to get off the shits there, and those sorority bitches be popping pills like m&m’s.” “Man word? Shit well if people be like that round that way I’ll stop by get my bands up, but yeah man just text me where you at I’ll swing thru.” “Awesome man! OH and if you need someone to pregame with, me, & Tim are getting a 30 pack and probably gonna hit up my boy Chris who’s tryna pick up a bottle and a quarter.” “Shit shit if yall going to the Attic that’s a definite move, I’ll hit up some people’s too see bout this move, I’ll talk bout it when we get there man.” Floyd hung up and felt like nothing could go wrong. He had a move for tonight, a place to pregame, a potential ride to the club, and lots of drugs to sell. He still wanted to stash the sheet and at least half of the pills at his room. He was responding to the texts he got sent when his phone was going off and he didn’t recognize the ring tone. He picked up anyway, but he wasn’t ready for what happened next. The guy from yesterday yelling in his ear about how the weed was laced. “Man look bruh I know you not used to smoking so I’ll let this slide ain’t shit laced it’s.wait…you said what…” He froze as Devon began describing how his body was turning to smoke. Ordinarily he’d think this man had lost his fucking mind, talking about turning to smoke. This conversation would be perfect for a D.A.R.E video trying to persuade some middle schoolers to never try drugs. However he discovered him, his room mate, and another girl had super powers straight out of an X Men movie who’s to say this guy couldn’t be one of them. “Man shit! Calm the fuck down man! Where you at! Fuck” He tried to make Devon think he was concerned about him and his condition. He was but he knew he wasn’t dying, if what he was describing was real than it had nothing to do with the drugs but with his genes. He’d put Matt on hold, he had plenty of time to deliver his drugs, he didn’t have enough time to find more people who could be the next step in evolution. He was so consumed with the conversation and the thought that somewhere on campus someone was turning to smoke that he wasn’t even watching where he was going. ………………………… Kelly was already on the move to getting the information she wanted. After stopping by her uncle’s place she had all that she needed. Well half of what she needed, the other half she’d get as soon as she got inside the house. She parked her car in the driveway, and turned off her music before taking her keys out the ignition. She’d already called one of her sisters for a meeting, and was hoping they’d be ready. “If these bitches…aren’t there by the time I get inside.” Kelly muttered to herself as she put her keys in her purse and went to the front of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. She marched inside to see her sisters there and had gotten the pledge’s. “Britney these are all the fucking pledge’s” Kelly cursed at her blonde haired friend. She’d met her freshmen year, and they’d been friends the whole year. They both had a lot in common, rich family, doing lots of boys and drugs, and loving money. The perfect formula for any of Kelly’s friendship, and Britney just grinned. “That’s all that could come right now, don’t worry if the rest don’t show up well make those bitches life’s hell!” “Good alright pledgies listen up!” “Yes Big Sister!” The pledge’s spoke up and Kelly smirked. The power was definitely getting to her head, being in the charge of the sorority. She had some papers in her hand and handed the stack to one of the pledge’s. “Pass em dumb slut! Listen up see the guys on the picture and the names under em. “ She barked the order at the girl who looked like she’d talk back but then just did as instructed passing the paper to her pledge sisters. “Alright bitches you wanna get in our good standing then get ready to spread your legs, gets on your knees, and swallow some ice cream for those two. There freshmen just like you, find out everything you can about them, you’re all pretty enough to get them talking, get em to buy you some drinks, maybe score you some pot or blow, get them to like you, give em some bomb ass pussy, get them to spill all there secrets ladies. “ “Umm..excuse me..but what do these two guys..have to do with…oh my gosh..this is so like slutty..I” [b]SLAP[/b] “WHO the fuck are you talking too, if you wanna join you better watch your mouth!” Britney got in the pledge’s face after slapping her as hard as she could. The other girl recoiled in pain with some tears starting to form in her eyes as Kelly just rolled her eyes. “Look whoever gets the most from these two gets a guaranteed bid, maybe even some special treatment, come on get to it!! OH and remember the Attic tonight, pregame at the house, free drinks, blow, weed, and whatever pills we have left, enjoy it while it lasts because soon it’ll be time to go through hell!” [i]Oh this is gonna be so easy, by the time these girls are done I’ll have a whole portfolio for him and I can get him to make those pictures go away for good. [/i]