He listened as she talked about washing her clothes. " It was a very good idea to wash your clothes, not just of my smell but also of my white fur. It's very rare for a werewolf to have white fur". Bur'nak sighed for he knew she was right " they would not stop hunting us so we must do this". Bur'nak watch as Victoria tried to cover her burns. He let slip a low menacing growl he was angered by her wounds but he calmed him self. He got up from the bed and walked over to her. He gently uncovered her arm and inspected the burns "you may say it will be ok in a few days but I'll go get some burn salve and clean wrapping for it". He covered his face locked the door and left only to return 15 minutes later. He walked back into the room after unlocking and relocking the door. Bur'nak went to her and knelt down and took her arm again he applied the salve gently across her burns. He would glance up at her every now and then to make sure he wasn't hurting her. He then applied the wrap around the burns and gently tied the wrapping to keep it in place. " we do have people that need us to protect them against the tyrants kings. Bur'nak looked at her when he was finished he could tell she was blushing so he stood up and leaned in close to her and gently kissed her. Bur'nak pulled away and went to the wash basin and washed the remnace of the salve off his hands.