The caravan master woke everyone up rather early, much to her displeasure. She had a hard time sleeping due to her medicine, and what little sleep she had was not veru restful. Because of it she was rather groggy, but managed to look somewhat decent before leaving her room. Still her body felt a bit fatigued due to her lack of sleep. "I guess a bit of moving would do me some good." Meirin did some exercises to limber up her body and shake the sleepiness from her system. It sort of worked, better when she ate breakfast. Once she finished her morning ritual Meirin geared up and headed out to meet the caravan. She was glad to know that the caravan master was willing to take Lyn along. "Be a good girl now Lyn. Just stay inside and we'll take care of things out here." Though there wasn't really much to do while they were traveling. Just a lot of walking, sometimes Meirin would hang onto the wagon to let her feet rest. This was starting to feel very familiar for Meirin; just her escorting another merchant through Djarkel. It was almost boring until they reached another stop at a toll bridge. The bridge itself looked finely made, carved from stone and large enough for the wagon to cross safely. But the place reeked of garbage and worse, while the guardsmen looked like they haven't left their posts in weeks. It was a sorry state, but it's not too surprising to Meirin. Most of the barons didn't care for taking care of the roads, which is why there are so many bandits are able to prey on the countryside. But Meirin didn't like this. The smell, the look of desperation in these men's eyes... Meirin had a tight grip on her weapon. Looking at their emblems Meirin noticed something off. She didn't travel through Djarkel much, but she recognized the emblem of that of a fairly new baron. If she remembered correctly, the baron owned some land near the sea coast. Now what were the men of a sea coast baron doing this far inland? Meirin had to find out. She turned towards one of the nearby guardsmen, the lest shifty looking one of the bunch (It was a very low bar however). "So.... How's Djarkel doing? Anything new with the barons?" "Same as usual. Bunch of them nobles just trying to play politics and what not. Ain't too violent, but annoying. Has us guys moving all over the damn place." Tilting her head in curiosity Meirin tried to get more information out of the guard. "That sounds bad. But what do you mean exactly?" "You know, sometimes we're playing city guard, sometimes they send us to bumblefuck nowhere like here. It's real tedious, I tell you." "No doubt." Meirin wasn't really getting much good information from these guys. It just sounds like they were complaining so far. She decided to try to go strait to the point. "It must be pretty rough, considering that you're pretty far from the sea. What's someone like you doing all the way out of your baron's lands?" "Look tits, I don't know what my boss is thinking. We're just sent here and we got our job to do. I don't know nothing else about why they got us sitting pretty here or nothing." Meirin scrunched up her face. A rather hostile responds, but maybe this guardman simply doesn't know anything more than that. She didn't want to give up, but she didn't want to make the man suspicious of her either. If they did plan for anything... Unwanted, Meirin didn't want to spoil their chances to fight back. She walked away from the guardsman and responded to Ssarak's telepathic message. [i]"I'm not sure if these men belong here. Their emblems belong to a baron on the coast. A minor one at that. And they don't seem to know why they're here. I'd imagine that they're just doing their jobs as guardsmen, but unless the political boundaries in Djarkel has changed since I left, they shouldn't be here."[/i] Though Meirin tried to look inconspicuous from the way she tensed with her weapon in hand, it was obvious that she was getting ready for some trouble. Four guardsmen poorly armed, but what if there was more? There didn't seem to be any hiding spots like the tall grass from before, but that only made Meirin more suspicious of other hiding spots possible brigands would use.