Alexander had left the city boundaries and was now in a field, watching people kill boars and other level 1 cannon fodder for xp. He took part in it himself, shooting lightning bolts from his fingers and getting mostly assist xp from the slain monsters. For obvious reasons, assist xp did not allow him to gain as much xp as a final hit would, but since there were so many people just killing monsters and his lightning bolts coming from a cheap spell, he was gathering xp rather quickly. He also gathered gold from the fallen mobs whenever he could. Eventually he reached level 2. It was a rather simple thing to level up at his current level, but the joy of leveling up still felt great. He even got a new spell. It was just a simple root spell, but he figured he could make good use of it. He tried it against a boar, smiling when magical ropes appeared from the ground and wrapped themselves around its legs. The boat struggled to free itself, but its efforts were futile as Alexander kept shooting lightning bolts at it. However, it soon managed to free itself and charge at Alexander, who tried to block the attack with his staff and take partial damage. The boar tried to charge again, but Alexander recovered enough to shoot a final lightning bolt and kill the boar. Alexander sighed, then got back to his job assisting the other new players with killing the level 1 and 2 mobs.