[b][u]Alaira Taenn[/u][/b] Alaira had had a fairly ordinary morning all things considered. Unlike a couple of her fellows, she hadn't had much booze the night before (and she was fairly resistant to it anyway), and therefore wasn't combatting a massive hangover. She had been quiet, aside from some occasional whistling or humming as they walked, and like the others she'd sometimes hang on to the cart to have a bit of a rest. Unlike the others, she was more than happy to run into trouble should it arise. Somehow, she'd proven useful in negotiating prices even. When the Caravan master had to discuss things with the toll takers she'd make a point to just, hover around. Guards seemed more than happy to let them through quicker and for a little less if they got the massive half-elf off their bridge quicker. However, this new bridge was different. Despite the unusual quality of the bridge itself, the men guarding it were a ragtag group of varying disgustingness. Even the very shittiest of barony guards had a [i]little[/i] pride. Or at least a sense of fucking uniform. No, these guys looked like bandits to a T. And some of the bandits weren't looking so good, pale skin and bloodshot eyes. She could be wrong, but they certainly looked like vampires to her. And then there was that... [i]smell...[/i] by the gods, it was horrible. Even the laziest of bandits would clean whatever was making that smell up if they could, especially considering they had to spend all day lounging around it... And to make matters worse, Meirin had pointed out their fucking emblems were wrong even... Individually, any one of these things wouldn't be worth getting upset over. Mismatched guards? A new low in Djarken shittiness or a lack of supplies. Vampires? Djarkel was remarkably tolerant of them. Horrible smell of death? Maybe an animal died and they had to hide it under the bridge before they could properly dispose of it. Wrong emblem? like they said, an asshole baron sent them to bumfuck nowhere. But all these things? together, why it was downright- Wait. Her train of thought was interrupted when the Yarosmerian spoke to her. Unfortunately, he had made the poorest choice of words he could... Don't make a scene? Sneak about? Fuck that! She had absolutely no patience for this bullshit. She [b]knew[/b] something was wrong, and any delay in fixing that shit when she could just storm over and take care of it was not appreciated. Also, part of her was just thrilled at the idea of ignoring the man. She hopped off the cart as she stormed towards the guard Meirin had been speaking to, one of the pale ones. He'd had good cop, it was time for bad cop... She grabbed him by the throat, before delivering a mighty punch straight to his face to daze him as she threw him to the ground, swiftly placing her boot on his throat. One wrong move from him and she'd apply some pressure, she [i]really[/i] wanted to hear that crunch. [b]"Bullshit! I'm so sick of this bullshit!"[/b] She shouted to the other assembled guards, it was unlikely the one beneath her even knew what day it was now... [b]"I know a vampire ambush when I see one! So just fucking jump us now so I don't have to listen to you assholes talk around in circles!"[/b]