Work in progress, obviously. --- [B]General[/B] Name – Ino Yamanaka Age – 12 Gender – Female Sexual Orientation – Determinant Blood Type – B Birthday – September 23rd Traits – Ino is admittedly arrogant and brazen despite her relatively cheerful nature, though at times it seems she uses her playfulness to justify antagonistic behaviors to people who she feels are either rivals or enemies. Ino favors herself in an outspoken leadership role despite being easily compromised by her emotions which makes her an impractical shinobi for a team leader. Ino is also rather obsessed with her appearance which lends to a good diet though adds on to an anxiety-driven psychosis. Hobbies – Herbalism, Studies, etc. Personal Quote – “There's no meaning to a flower unless it blooms.” History – As with her clan, her birth was associated with a flower and in Ino's case it was the bush clover—something that her father, Inoichi Yamanaka, intended for her to symbolize as she was raised to treasure the bonds that she has with her friends. As was the expectations of a Yamanaka she was taught very early the values of herbalism and what it was worth to Konohagakure, which instilled at first a cautious responsibility but eventually a hobby that took her mind off her days at the academy when things seemed to get particularly rough for her; though she never showed such distress. As she studied more fervently through this period she found knowledge coming to her easily and sticking with her, though she did have distractions through the social aspects of the academy which did affect her studies plenty; but given her father’s oddly carefree parentage there was never an instance where this became a problem. [B]Clan Info[/B] Clan Name – Yamanaka Symbol – [hider=IMG][img=][/hider] History – The Yamanaka Clan is as old as any when it comes to the history of Konohagakure with a long account of members skilled in herbalism, espionage, and interrogation. Ranging from sensory types to medical-nin, the Yamanaka Clan are not simply a clan that relies on one skillset entirely and their spies and interrogation experts tend to become great assets to the village’s ANBU division. The clan’s secret techniques are ones of great pride as they allow for several mind-centred techniques that include transferring consciousness, reading minds, and communicating telepathically. Several herbalists owing their lineage to the clan are spread throughout the Land of Fire, which in times of war secretly become spy networks for Konoha itself through the Yamanaka’s ability for telepathic communication. Kekkei Genkai – n/a [B]Looks and Appearance[/B] [hider=IMG][img=][/hider] [B]Ninja Information[/B] Village – Konohagakure Academy Graduation Age – 12 Rank – Genin Chakra Element – Water, Earth [B]Databook Stats[/B] Ninjutsu – 2.5 Taijutsu – 1.5 Genjutsu – 1.5 Intelligence – 2 Strength – 0.5 Speed – 2.5 Stamina – 2 Handseals – 2.5 Total – 15 [B]Jutsu[/B] Name – Mind Body Switch Rank – C Type – Ninjutsu Effect – The user transfers their mind using spiritual energy into a target’s body thus giving the user complete control of the target for a defined period of time. Whilst active the user is cut off of their own body thus rendering it incapable. [B]SAMPLE POST (2-4 Paragraphs)[/B] Text Here [B]CHARACTER DIRECTION (3-5 Paragraphs)[/B] Ino in the early chapters of the series had a lot of dynamics that were particularly well-done and to this day I’m not quite sure why the author decided to relegate her to a third-rate character whose only real purpose later on in the series was to be a lovesick fool who by the epilogue was demoted to being “oh hey she had a use after all, she had a kid!” which was definitely not kosher for me personally. So the idea is much like others in this regard to make characters more than “cardboard cutrouts”, “third-rate supporting cast”, and “breeding devices”. What I really appreciated about Ino early on was her high level of dedication (or natural aptitude for things) and simply personality traits when she stood against some of the one-note bullies of the genin graduating class. I suppose the best way to explain the direction is that we’re going with her canon traits and letting it run. As would be obvious with a different author picking up another’s work there will be direction differences and characterization shifts and my idea whilst keeping the fact she’s twelve, there is the fact that this is an anime world and there is a lot of wiggle room for what we call suspension of belief as well as creative liberties especially considering Konoha is more “militarized” hence kids would be growing up faster and more rigid so they can support their clan and their village through the responsibilities placed upon their shoulders. Ino is going to keep on her dedication to the ninja way, use her wits when her emotions put her in bad situations, learn from her mistakes, and see where her path goes from there. [B]DID YOU READ THE RULES?[/B] 17?