Darius was stupefied as he watched Alaira hop off the wagon and approach the guards. He reached an arm out to stop her, but he stopped when he caught sight of that creepy bear toy staring at him. Before he knew it, one of the guards was on the ground and the half-elf had a boot to his neck. Why? Why would she do that with no information at all? He was about to march over to Alaira and rip her off of the guard she was interrogating when an idea occurred to him. He could use her scene as a distraction and search for that gods-awful smell. As he made his way closer towards the bridge, the smell got stronger. It was almost overwhelming. Readying himself for what he'd find, he looked over the edge, and he nearly gagged. He had been expecting bodies or something of the like, not human waste. Something was definitely not right with this toll bridge. No one with a healthy mind would work in these conditions. Darius walked back to the wagon, shaking his head in disgust and his hand on his sword. He was ready to push Alaira off the man if on the slight chance that there was nothing wrong. This was going to be a long job.