Some of you might of heard of a site called Nation States. Essentially, it's a site where you can create your own country and you act as it's government. I thought it might be interesting to start a roleplay in which we rp as the country we've created. Now, you don't necessariy need to have a country on Nation States to participate. You can make up a country just for the sake of the roleplay or you can play as an already existing country if you'd prefer. This will be a nation roleplay, I just put it in the casual interests checks so it would get more publicity. This is a link to the site, if you wish to check it out: [url=] If you already have a country on Nation States, just post the link to it and that will act as your enrollment sheet. If not, please fill out the enrollent sheet. [hider=Enrollment Sheet] Flag: (feel free to use an already existing flag or create your own) Name: Classification: (Republic, Dominion, Democracy, Theocracy, Kingdom, Colony, etc.) Government: (Conservative, Liberal, etc.) Currency: National animal: Motto: Continent: Breif history: Anything else you wish to add:[/hider] [hider=Countries] The Republic of Nova Domov The Federation of Brislow[/hider]