Grace’s face turned bright red at the woman’s words about seeing her body. [b]“No…I mean…I don’t…um.”[/b] She stuttered embarrassed as her eyes flashed back the woman’s blue eyes. She hadn’t really meant to stare at her body other than to catch her for weapons, that didn’t mean that she didn’t happen to linger her gaze a little bit longer on the woman’s frame. [b]“Sorry.”[/b] She added as she bit her lip softly. She had hoped the woman’s answer to her questions would help calm her nervous. Instead it only made her even more nervous, she was almost sure that no one lived in theses woods. How she knew the Minotaur wasn’t what attacked her, was beyond Grace. Maybe this woman had seen the wolf before as well? Maybe she wasn’t the only one it let go. [b]“Perhaps…I don’t want my father to kill what attacked for some reason.”[/b] She said standing a little straighter, as she spoke. A mocked attempt of authority laced throughout her tone, normally she had no problem with acting like she was in charge without her father. Though something about this woman had her nervous and frightened, when she took a step closer to Grace, her whole body felt heavy. As if her legs were trying to make her sink down to the ground, she was trying to be submissive, and was unaware of it. When the strange woman leaned in near her, Grace took a step back with a frown her emerald eyes meeting the woman’s blue eyes. Looking at her for a moment it finally clicked in the princess’s head, the woman’s black hair, blue eyes, and the cut on her arm. The fact that she knew what had attacked and tried to kill her. It clicked in her mind that this woman had to be the wolf, she had heard stories of werewolves before, but she hadn’t thought of the fact that the beast could be one. A quiet whimper sounded in the back of her throat as she looked around from the woman. [b]“Yes it is, it was my great grandfathers dagger.”[/b] She said softly her voice shaking as she took a step back, to get away from her. [b]“Just let me get my dagger and I’ll leave.[/b] She added softly.