Well, I've started watching Dr who some months ago and fell completelly in love with it, so I thought about starting a roleplay about it, a universe so vast where anything could happen, just think at the things we could start! Well my character would be the doctor himself after another regeneration, like the eleventh doctor he would be a Doctor with the appearance of someone in his mid-twenties, and would a slightly insane character with an odd sense of humor, more details of him may and will be explained further on. The roleplay would start immediatelly after the Doctor's regeneration, in this alternate universe, somewhere the Twelth Doctor would stop having adventures with Clara Oswald and your character would be his new companion, he "sacrificed" himself to save you from the hand of Daleks, he managed to defeat them, however that ended with his demise, and there we go! New regeneration, new Doctor, new adventures. (If you have watched series but didn't get to see the twelth doctor yet, [url=http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Twelfth_Doctor] click here[/url] to learn about him, but of course, spoiler alert.) Hope we can have fun together!