"That part I did not know about you being the only werewolf with white fur." Victoria said to him as she watched him for it was true she wanted to wash off pretty much that would tie her to him when she meets creed. She looked at him and felt weird that he wanted to se her burns on her arm after the incedent but freaked a bit when he growled all of a sudden for she was not really used to him growled a lot in front of her when they were alone. The last time he did that was when they first meet when she really had no where to go and he did not trust anyone, especially a vampire. She watched her walk over and uncover her arm to look at it. "No you don't I swear I will be fine I suffered worst burns then this." She said to him for it was true her hald siblings would open the curtains on ehr in the day time and force her to sit in the sun. Smme of her burns had become second degree and she was left with some scars because of them. She wathced him leave to get the stuff and she sighed as she sat there for she had no clue what do do now. Victoria sat there when he got back and took care of her arm which felt weird for she had no one really tend to her wounds before. Once he was done she looked at him with her cheeks still blushing when he finished putting the wrap on her. Victoria looked at her arm when he was done. But when she looked up at him and soon felt him kiss her and her face turned red when he did that for she truly did not expect that. SHe then watched him got to the bathroom and she was pretty much frozen where she was sitting.