[b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Ashton Peterson [b]Character Name:[/b] Remus Aquilus [b]Age:[/b] Same as Romulus, because they're twins. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Same as Romulus, but a bit bulkier. [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Nein! [b]Personality:[/b] like his brother, but bloodthirsty, and will never turn down a fight, but loyal if you warm up to him, making sure you are safe, and putting your life before his. . [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] After their parents died, Ashton was very protective of his brother. He did almost everything with his Brother, from School, to even going into the Medical Profession. He trained as an EMT and got a job at the same hospital his brother was in. A Devout Catholic, He has never missed a Church Service. He wasn't much of a gamer, and left his brother to do most of the video game stuff. When SAO came out, he was convinced by his brother to give it a try, and so he pirated the game, and asked his brother to assist him in it. to which Riley obliged. In the game, He kept up his religious ways, and is now a High Ranking member in the Catholic Side of the Order of the Divine. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] Light Metal Equipment Two handed Spears Sprint [b]Special Skill?:[/b] Can carry a Double handed weapon in one hand with no effect on speed. [b]Other Skills:[/b] Cooking Daggers Heavy Metal Equipment [b]Current Weapon:[/b] Holy Naginata (A Samurai Spear.) [img]https://slm-assets3.secondlife.com/assets/5332408/view_large/naginata%20(1).jpg?1333240583 [/img] and a Light shield. [b]Current Armour:[/b] [img]http://diablo3.gamersorigin.com/uploads/heberg/1317.jpeg[/img] But a bit lighter armor, so same Look, just less armor, He also wears a Cross necklace. [b]Guild:[/b] Order of the Divine, SOS Squadron [b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] Scout like. In and out very quickly