It was warm within the storage container. Not a pleasant warm, like what one would feel on a snowy night as they wrapped themselves tightly in a blanket to chase away the frostbite, no, this warm was produced by more than a dozen nervous bodies, all sweating or relaxing at their own rate. In the cramped space, where their shoulders touched and their feet tangled, a cloud of heat had gathered, and it has remained that way for the last five hours. Those who had created this heat varied in size and talents, but they were joined together for one reason; the sake of the mission. Among the crowd was a rather small girl, Kai, and she wasn't exactly doing too well in the hotbox they were currently waiting in. Her entire body, from neck to toe, was covered by a black material that was much thicker than it looked. A hood was gathered around her shoulders, and a mask surgeons would normally use hung limply around her neck. Gadgets and gizmos clung to her belt and back, and sweat dripped slowly from her brow, mingling with the makeup on her eye before dripping down onto her lap. Her body was hunched slightly, and her breathing was slow and deep, but her face was devoid of of any emotion. Her eyes were shut gently, as if she were peacefully asleep, but no, At times, her eyebrow would twitch, or her tongue would flick around to wet her lips before returning to the abnormally still state. Kai was meditating, relaxing her mind and soul in an attempt to gain some peace before the mission. The train sped along, whistling in the wind, and the low chatter of people speaking melded with it, forming a low hum which could only be described as white noise. Kai focused on the buzz in her ear, breathing in tune to the beat of her heart, and finally, after what was probably two hours of concentration, she felt her body become lighter, and her mind blanker, and just as she finally felt herself fade a voice broke her white noise. The Voice of The Resistance, a woman Kai had not yet seen in person, spoke lightly through her earpiece, explained their current situation and place, as well as their possible courses of action. Kai listened intently, eyes slowly opening, and before she could shift into a more comfortable position the box shook, throwing off her balance slightly as she realized the train had slowed. They were nearly ready to go. Kai stood, slowly, allowing her back and hips to crack with the satisfaction of standing up, and she glanced at her team, taking note of their appearances, stances, and expressions before she began to count her items. At her side, a black rope hung lazily, the two platinum weights clanking together softly as she shifted to check the rope for any damage or curls. The jōhyō was good for a few more missions, though she could use a size adjustment. Twelve feet was just too short for her to handle, but she couldn't worry about that right now. The batons on her back felt secure, and she'd just have to trust that they were full on power for the time being. Her satchel was tightened to her side, and she shifted through it mindlessly, taking note of her jammer, the two electrified nets she brought along, and the extra ammo that would only do well for the pistol holstered on her leg. Everything seemed set, now she just needed some sort of strategy. Gray eyes turned to stare at the people around her again, squinting slightly in the half light as she tried to find her words, but alas, none came. She sighed softly, brushing her hair back behind her ears before closing her eyes to visualize what the Voice had said early. [i]"You've got two other possible entry points - there's a rooftop entrance if you think you can get up there. It's about thirty feet up or so. There's also a third door on the opposite side of the structure, near the ornipad, I'd guess the VIP entrance."[/i] Thirty feet was a bit high, and without a proper idea on how the facility looked from the outside she couldn't exactly think of a way to get up there. Some help from an earth bender or an airbender could make the trip at easy one in case there was no available leverage. She glanced at the crowd again, hair falling back into place as it usually did, and her mouth moved again in an effort to speak, and again, she failed to converse with even the slightest thing. Her straight face fell slightly, but quickly perked back up as the crowd around her began to stir as well, preparing for the mission at hand. Someone had spoken up about the VIP entrance, saying that he'd be able to get into the network so other doors would be available. Though he noted that that door would probably have less guards, Kai couldn't help but feel like someone would be on the other side of that entrance. [i]'Might be best to hear other opinions first before speaking...'[/i], she thought, pulling up her mask and hood slowly, shadowing her bright hair and thoughtful eyes.