[hider=Juliana Brandshei][center][img=http://i61.tinypic.com/34fmeq1.jpg] [b]A||ppearance[/b] Juliana has an overall lengthiness to her physical appearance. She is 5’11” with long, lanky arms and legs to match. Her nose and cheeks are peppered with tiny brown freckles that draw attention to her steely blue irises. Juliana’s luscious lips are one of her more alluring features. Her hair is parted down the middle of her scalp and reaches to the bottom of her small breasts. It has been stained with dye for her disguises throughout her years and has now taken on a permanent faded turquoise color. Juliana usually fishtails her unruly mane into low pigtails, although multiple strands still tease at her bubbled nose. She wears whatever she can make or acquire, but prefers oversized clothing that lets her skin breath freely. There’s a gruesome burn scar that stretches along the length of her right forearm, but she conceals it with a layers of rags and athletic tape. [b]N||ame[/b] Juliana Brandshei [b]B||irthdate[/b] February 29, 2988 (21 years) [b]B||ackstory[/b] Juliana Branshei was born into a broken world and a broken family. Her mother was a knocked-up prostitute, hoping the birth of her child would instill a sense of responsibility hiding deep within her. It didn’t. Juliana was abandoned as a toddler in the shady alleyways of San Diego. After 3 weeks on her own, little remained of the young girl besides desperation and bones. She was discovered by an elderly vagabond who, against his better judgment, took her under his wing and into his “home”. Caesar, the man called himself, was on his last bit of luck. He had been on the run from the law for many years. Grand arson. His obsession with fire outweighed any sense of compassion for Juliana. He enlisted the girl to entice a slur of victims into his greedy web. The two were able to survive together for a decade before Juliana was bold enough to escape from the abusive man. She didn’t make it very far before being surrounded by Caesar’s remaining psychotic followers. As punishment for her betrayal, Caesar slathered her arm in petroleum jelly and lit it on fire. Juliana went insane with pent up rage and pain. In the chaos that followed her public burning, she slipped a broken bottle deep into Caesar’s gut. His cowardly goons fled the scene, but none of them could escape her brutal adrenaline. She murdered them all in gruesome ways within the week. Since the incident, Juliana trusts and follows no one but herself. [b]S||tarting weapon[/b] [s]Her tiny fists[/s] a.k.a. nothing [b]S||ocial skill[/b] Deception. Juliana can bluff, mislead, or otherwise flat out lie her way out of various situations. She is quick of mind and movement, which aid to this impish skill. [b]C||ombat skill[/b] Precision. Juliana has pristine accuracy with small weapons. She can hit her mark from many yards away with a lot of aim and a little bit of luck. [b]C||rafting skill[/b] Traps. Juliana can set and spot traps with ease. Although the materials for trap-making are few and far between, she has learned how to utilize common objects and even seemingly useless scraps to her advantage.[/center][/hider] *Let me know if anything doesn't match up with your requirements. I'll be happy to make the necessary edits :]