Welcome players! My moniker is Lifeline5050, but I am sure by the end of this adventure you will have many more tasteful names in mind to call me. That being said until we reach that point let us start at the very beginning (since that appears to be a very good place to start). I would like to know what you all would like out of this adventure. While this will help me shape the story a bit I hope it will also help you build the characters you wish to play. That being said while I will outline the limits I will have for character creation as I am unsure what each of your experiences is with Pathfinder. That being said feel free to message me with any questions, concerns, or ideas. [u]Limits[/u] You may choose any class or race from the core rule book. We will be using a point buy of 25 points. Your starting gold will be the average starting gold for your class. Please find the link here to the [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/]pathfinder srd[/url]