With the ongoing war between Jedi and Sith, the people of the galaxy have forgotten about a third faction of force sensitives, the Nomads. They see the force as a whole, and look beyond the good and evil classifications. While the Jedi claim to be the peacekeepers of the galaxy, the Nomads truly deserve that title. They are willing to fight against both good and evil to keep the peace, and often take the appearance of the enemies of the people who they were fighting to keep people from focusing on the Nomads themselves. To become a Nomad, other more experienced Nomads are required to do a yearly search for force sensitives who see the world as they do, and encourage the ones that they find to help them bring peace to the galaxy. They don't force people to join their ranks, and simply ask them. This can be seen as a tour of some sort, looking around the systems that they watch over to find people who could be Nomads. All new Nomad recruits are required to go to a secluded star system on the west side of the galaxy controlled by the Nomads to begin their training. This is where they learn about the force in it's entirety, how to use the force, how to fight, and how to survive in many different situations, among many other things. During the end of the first year, or some time around the second year, all recruits are taught on how to build their own lightsaber from scratch. This gives bonds them to their tool, as they built it specifically for their own use. On average, the basic training lasts three to four years before the new Nomads are sent off to protect a sector or star systems, but they can opt to train longer if they wish. Each Nomad group has a varying amount of people to look after a sector, but there are usually thirty to fifty people per sector. There can be many more per sector, as the largest Nomad group consisted of one hundred and fifty people.