For Adrian, the surrendering enemy pilot brought on a connection he rarely made. [i]There are people in these things,[/i] he thought as he turned to look at his squadmates, [i]Just like me. That’s weird.[/i] It was an obvious detail he would skip over, just to let himself feel a little better about his actions—and more recently, to ignore the fact that the other members of his squad weren’t on his admittedly tiny list of, ‘agreeable species.’ [i]This had better not make me aim slower.[/i] When Silver notified the squad, that they were about to move on, Adrian sighed and stared down at his auxiliary monitors. His role was never meant for the kind of close quarters combat that the mines forced him into, but any attempts at range would undoubtedly make his squad a prime target for friendly fire. He only had a magazine and a half’s worth of ammo left for his pistol, and his rifle would be relatively unwieldy indoors. [i]Guess I’ll just make my shots count.[/i] “Well, lead on, Captain,” Adrian said over the radio as he assumed a ready position.