[hider=Tesla/soren]Name: Nikola Tesla Alias: Tesla Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/177/1/0/nikola_tesla_sketch_by_ladyavali-d54wgc4.jpg] Equipment: A suit of altered iron man armor that keeps him alive by siphoning off his excess energy. Suit also acts as a wireless energy transmitter to wayne-stark enterprise. This energy can power the tower for a few days if cut off from Tesla and his suit. Skills/Abilities: Tesla doesn’t remember much from his past but he knows he has one because he has skills from it. One of the skills in the ability to hack computer systems, it doesn’t take him long to take down a firewall. Other than that he knows the ends and outs of most machines. Powers: Tesla has the powers of electric conduction, production, and redirection. I can fully manipulate electrical energy so to speak, although he does not have complete control he does know a good bit. If he puts his mind to it he can see another person as a computer and switch of the electrical currents running through their body. He also has the reverse of that too. He can restart someone from death a lot better than some old defibulator machine. Tesla also has the ability to send boosts of energy to his comrades. The most common thing that happens when he does is they feel restored somewhat. It has also been known to rarely jumpstart a latent genetic mutation or permanently boosts ones that are already at the surface. Tesla has many powers dealing with his energy hiding beneath the surface just waiting to be learned. He also is a technopathy. This lets him communicate with technology as well as build anything he can think up, though he very rarely does. He can also heal when consuming energy and therefore can at some points manipulate his age. Weaknesses: Tesla has memory flashes that leave him vulnerable. He also has a very bad reaction of water in his electric from. Spontaneously he can shift into a red electric from of which he has no control over. This for only happens if he is severely enraged. Personality: (This will evolve within the RP) History: Secret Diary of Howard Stark: In 1943 on January seventh the man known as Nikola Tesla supposedly died. There were only a handful of people that knew the truth. Nikola Tesla had been working on a final experiment. The experiment was on the edge of real science, I myself had even called it fringe science. It consisted of himself as the test subject and his famous wireless transmission of electricity. Nikola had said that if his funding would be cut then he would need to try one more thing. Nikola had filled a tube full of a gel like substance and hooked himself to his machines. I was there along with several others of the scientific community of our time. Some were there to watch him fail and possibly kill himself. Others were there, like me, who wanted to see him achieve greatness…even if he did it in death. He began the experiment by jumping into the tube of gel from a platform. He then gave the signal as he gave the thumbs up that let everyone know that his breathing apparatus was working so the person at the controls could throw the switch. Now the purpose of this was that the gel substance was to act as a slight resistor and conductor the body inside the tube would act as the secondary conductor. The end result of this was for Nikola to become a lightning coil in and of himself. It was his last attempt at anything in his life. The person at the controls flipped on the switches and the two coil towers near the tube fired while everyone else was behind the protection of a wall. Within seconds everyone watched in horror as the man made lightning penetrated the tube, gel, and Nikola himself. His breathing apparatus had come off with one of the intensified shocks and his body lit up like a bad cartoon. I ran over to the controls and switched everything off. The lights had gone off and later I learned that most of Manhattan had been affected as well. We all made our way to the tube with candles. From what we all could tell Nikola was not in the tube. I climbed to the top of the platform and looked in; spontaneously the lights came back on. To our surprise Nikola was not in there but electrical current still flowed through it and didn’t seem to dissipate. I ushered most of the scientists out except for me and Josef Reinstain of the Weapons Plus program A.K.A. the team responsible for Captain America and various others. Josef was upset to say the least. He said he had given him some of the formula that had made Rogers the man he had been. This was a secret I didn’t know about but we ran tests of the next several weeks. Ever vigilant until one day…Josef proposed that we abandon this and just leave. I was about to do what he said but had an idea about renewable and self sustaining energy just as Nikola had. I told Josef that I would leave after I had ran one more test. SO Josef left not knowing a thing of what transpired next; I had went over to the tube and began to reminisce. “Oh you old baffon look what you have gotten yourself into now…a closed coffin funeral and nothing to show for it.” Howard laughed and the gel reacted. Howard stood back for a second. “Well then something is going on in there.” Howard got closer wondering what was going on within the tube as nothing should have been. Suddenly the gel began to bubble inside and light flashed until the room was again dark from another power surge. This time I heard gasping so I ran to the top of the platform in disbelief. No it couldn’t be him. I told myself. Something in the universe was about to prove me wrong. The lights came back on when I was at the top and there Nikola was…standing there in the tube with now no gel in it stark naked. “Well old friend it looks like I do have something to show for it.” Nikola said. “I could hear and feel everything was going on for the past two weeks my friend. I tell you I have done it!” I then sat on the platform in utter shock. Weeks later I made secret visits to Nikola’s lab. He had wanted this to stay secret. “This si not something that can recreated Stark.” He had said. I knew this was true but he stayed on and helped me with several projects including filling in blanks about the arc reactor that Anton and I were missing. Nikola seemed not to age and showed sign of reverse aging as well as having some control over technology. Upon the creation of the internet during my last years of life Nikola was overwhelmed whit what he might be able to do. He had decided to put himself into the internet on November 1st 1990. He hadn’t shown me what he had actually been able to do until that day. He converted himself into pure energy and flew into my computer. On it as I had stood in shock read. “Thank you my old friend for believing in me that faithful day. I will never forget you as I go on this new journey!” That was the last time I ever saw Nikola Tesla ever again. On the last day of my death I would write to this man one last time and tell him to watch over my son Tony. Other: Now that the two worlds have merged Tesla on the world wide web noticed new things cropping up rapidly and decided to see what all the fuss was about. Back on the Neo Earth he exited in the home of Tony Stark. He had intended to keep his promise in protecting and watching over Tony but it seemed he was to late. Tony had tried to take on the horror Dark Thanos. Tesla had only spent a few days out of the www and was feeling no adverse side effects of the transfer back tot he real world, well the real alternate world. It hit him finally...his energy began to build.[/hider] [hider=Paradox/soren]Name: Sara Alias: Paradox Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: Equipment: A clock hand sword. Skills/Abilities: medium sword skill and hunting. Powers: Temporal control- Sara can control time for only thirty seconds with the use of her sword. Slowing, stopping, and hastening time are all within her ability. Space control- Sara can create portals that travel through space. So far she is able to create traveling portals up to a half a mile away. Finally there is then ability of her name sake. Paradox creation- Sara can create doubles of herself. These copies have none of her powers but have a sword that is shorter and looks like a second hand of an old clock. Weaknesses: Sara can’t fully control her temporal control and it can happen at the worst times. Her paradox copies can weaken her to the point of passing out. Vibranium isn’t affected but her temporal control abilities, strangely it absorbs it. Personality: Developing History: Sara Doxoline, S.H.I.E.L.D. Case File- From what we have been able to gather on the subject she has existed in many times or at least versions of her. She has no memory each time she is…well we don’t know exactly if she is reborn or transported to another time with no memory. We did however discover her in a small crater smaller than that of what other records of her have been shown. Other records in history have recorded her age, physical, and mental states as far back as Victorian London. (Zero-Point)- Sara’s memories- From the moment she opened her eyes her mother and father knew she was destined for greatness. Born in a dystopian future in 3389, earth was a waste land but new and exciting discoveries where being made every day. Water was a scarce recourse giving that the oceans have been going dry. With each passing day the temperature on the surface was rising and earth was doomed. This is when she was eighteen that her family discovered a cave somewhere in England. Inside she discovered a machine. She sat inside the machine as it looked like a plush chair with knobs and shiny buttons. Seconds later she saw her family fade before her eyes as the enimies of the world came through the entrance. They shouted that the time machine was right in front of time. Suddenly a man appeared next to her. “Sorry my dear.” He said before he flipped a switch. And they disappeared right as the enemy was upon them. When the machine stopped the man next to her doubled over. “My dear my name is H.G. Wells I am a time traveler. There is not much time to explain. Please take the crystal in the center console and run. I am afraid my time has run up. Wells then expired and dissipated into a void of space and light. Sara only knew one thing. Her life was over. She grabbed the crystal and something spoke to her. Telling her that the traveler was only a the messenger for her to find the crystal. It was her destiny to go through time and right the wrongs that others could not. The crystal jumped out of her hand absorbs the metal on the machine. It them formed a sword that looked like a clock hand. Once Sara touched it she was filled with knowledge of the world and her first mission was to go to a town in England and give a copy of the crystal that was now in her sword to a man called H.G. Wells. Other:Paradox is immune to spacial and temporal oddities. The one created by Dark Thanos is no exception. Matter of fact she is there due to this oddity, her sword brought here to the new earth a year after it was created. She has been looking around and keeping things under her hat to see what maybe going on.[/hider] [hider=Star Striker/Yog]Appearance: costume [img=http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/swtor-cartel-market-valiant-jedi-armor-set-full-male_thumb.jpg] His 6.4 feet tall and has a very large build thanks to incredible muscle mass. He has physical body of an Olympic wrestler and professional body builder. He has bright green eyes and big shoulder length auburn colored hair kind of like a biker dude. He also has a thick goatee, and light skin with a bit of a tan to it. He weighs in at about 290 pounds without his armor, and is of an appearance of someone you wouldn't want to mess around with unless you were willing to see your bones get shattered. Name: Ryan Morrison Alias: Star Striker Age: 28 Gender: male Equipment: Ryan uses a large assortment of alien weapons and equipments which he stores in pen-sized capsules that allow them to be stored in such small space. The jacket that he wears have anti gravity cells in the fabric which allow him to fly and the fabric is made up of materials that can survive in space. He wears armor that is made up of a very light and extremely dense metal which protects him from energy attacks and extreme force. He also wears a belt that surrounds his body in an aura of artificial atmosphere that allows him to survive in space and on planets with no oxygen. The list of weapons that he is equipped with are as followed. the [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Rsiw1V_JORM/UUSpVlr3MTI/AAAAAAAAT8s/PH8zaLJb824/s1600/peacekeeper-gun.pngRogorian Hammer 3000[/url]: this gun is an automatic weapon that fires off blasts of superheated blue energy in rapid succession. the [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/260/8/5/alien_lmg_by_chrislazzer-d6mqaqb.jpg]Ulgran[/url]: This weapon is a shotgun that fires a blast of energy and explodes on contact to increase its lethality. the [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130620090900/callofduty/images/b/b9/Ray_Gun_Mark_II_third_person_BOII.png]Heatron[/url]: this gun can fire rays of concentrated heat of varying degrees, and because it is a handgun and not as heavy as his other guns, Ryan can quick draw with this weapon. He has two of these guns. Sunblade: a sunblade is a sword that uses hydrogen and helium in the handle to create a blade that is incredibly hot. the sword has a crossguard and is meant to be wielded with two hands. [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131211010718/bleach-rp/images/c/c9/Englyshe_black_Gauntlets.jpg]Ultra Gloves[/url]: these advanced gloves can fire off beams of concussive energy out of the palms and on the wrist is a supercomputer where he can access information and communicate with others through almost any known waves of communication.Finally these gloves can create a tractor and repulsion beam which he can use to either pull things towards him or repel them, he also can use the repel power with his fist to make his punches hit with more force and send his enemies flying. Skills/Abilities: He is an excellent marksman and hand to hand combatant. He has many years worth of experience fighting threats throughout the galaxy and has a very tactical mind. Growing up as trainee to the Galactic Wardens has seen him given among the best education in the known universe, and even though he is not a genius, he knows more than any ordinary human. He is fluent in several alien languages even though the supercomputer on his glove can translate the speech of almost any known sentient lifelorm. He is really strong and incredibly athletic when it comes physical exertion. Powers: he has no superpowers, but he is at the absolute peak of human physical perfection. Weaknesses: if you take away his armor then he has the same vulnerabilities as a regular human. His weapons are powered by alien rechargeable batteries that absorb energy from the rays of stars and space, because of this they need to turned off in order to recharge so if all of his weapons' batteries are out of power then he will be weaponless. He also has a bad case of being afraid of not being quick enough to stop the death of innocents. Personality: Ryan is a man of tough metal and very determined in his resolve. He takes his job very seriously but that doesn't stop him from making jokes if the situation seems funny. Many would describe him as a man of great judgement and power. He is incredibly tenacious and tries to think up a way out of any situation that turns sour. His iron strong will is arguably his greatest strength since it has been said that it is impossible to break and keeps him fighting. Thanks to his training as a Galactic Warden, Ryan is normally of a personality that most regular humans would call very hardcore. His morals are firm and detests criminals but he is not afraid to strip someone of their rights if it means helping maintain law and order. He does not fear death and has been taught that as a Galactic Warden, his job is to make sure that the innocent live even if it means sacrificing himself. One of the first things that trainees of the Galactic Wardens go through is the process of eliminating their fears and for the most part it is successful, but there are still things that Ryan fears. Some of his fellow wardens say that it's his human nature that does that, he believes that it's something all sentient life has and no training process can get rid of it completely. Being an orphan when he was taken to the Galactic Warden training academy, Ryan is still haunted by the murder of his parents and has bouts of anxiety and sometimes can be a bit of control freak. Politically, he is a traditionalist and believes in an authoritarian governmental system where the law enforcement have the most power where law and order are top priorities. Even though he is from earth, Ryan has a dislike of modern day constant desires for freedom and lawlessness. Many non-members of law enforcement would call him a fascist and he wouldn't get upset at being called that, although he doesn't believe himself to be one. Ryan does believe that rights should be sacrificed for the good of society and that it is the citizens' job to always respect the law and keep order in society. He has honor codes and is very loyal to those he assists as long as they aren't trying to break the law, but if he is betrayed then his trust in that person is lost forever. Because of his beliefs and morals, Ryan is lawful neutral, but he does try to lean towards good and prefers laws that are for the good of the people. Finally he hates corruption and traitors to the law, there are few things besides murderers and scumbags that will piss him off more than crooked law enforcement. History: Life for Ryan was not a happy one and even at an early age tragedy struck. He was born to a lower middle class family in a small town in the state of Texas, and for as long as he could remember he had always been fascinated by the idea of traveling through space and encountering aliens on distant worlds. He read old sci fi books and comics to fill his very young mind. Seeing superheroes like Green Lantern who had many heroic adventures in space were among the things that excited him most and he wished to become a Green Lantern to live out his dream. But life wouldn't grant him his wish and things take a turn for the worst. On his seventh birthday, he had been out with some friends playing superhero and when it came time to head home, he came back to his house to find it trashed. He called out to his parents, but no one answered and Ryan quickly hurried around the house in a panic to find them. He eventually came to his parents bedroom and was met by a sight that no child should ever see in their life. His parents' bloodied bodies were laying on the floor and blood was splattered everywhere. His mom had been sexually assaulted and the beaten to death and his dad had signs of being struck in the head several times with a blunt object. Ryan eyes grew wide and he screamed out of sheer shock and terror. He didn't know how long he stayed in the room by his parent's bodies, but the police came and removed him from the room. He didn't talk for several days and barely ate any food, this made the authorities worried and the chief of police reassured him that they would catch the bastard that did this to his parents. Eventually the police managed to apprehend the criminal and he put behind bars for the rest of his life, but Ryan's life as he had known it was over. Because he didn't have any close relatives, he was placed in an orphanage where he spent about a year not socializing that much and getting into fights with bullies. His sense of righting wrongs and wanting justice and order had been born from his traumatic experience. Because of his violent behavior towards bullies, the people in charge of the orphanage were worried that he wouldn't be adopted if he kept fighting. But at age eight his life would once again make a surprising change. After he had gotten into another fight with a punk at the orphanage, he ran out of the place in frustration at being scolded for teaching the kid some manners. He wandered into the woods close by and after several minutes of walking, he saw a bright flash of light as a glowing metallic ship came down from the night sky. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was like one of his comic books had come to life, and second later he was surrounded in a beam of light and pulled into the ship. Inside the ship he noticed other human children and wondered where the aliens were. He was then greeted by a medium-sized floating robot that gave its greetings to him and Ryan asked where it was taking him. The robot informed him that he and the other humans aboard the spacecraft were on a scout ship that was tasked with traversing the galaxy to find young sentient lifeforms to to be indoctrinated into the Galactic Wardens' training program. Because earth was considered a primitive world, despite the presence of superheroes like Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter, the scout ships would take orphans who had no family and put them through the training program. Ryan was one of those orphans, he at first was stunned and then was both excited and scared of what was going to happen to him when their journey was finished. The ship traveled through space for what seemed like several days and eventually came to what looked like a massive space station that was bigger than several city blocks. This space station was actually one of the many academies where the young recruits were brought to begin their training to become Galactic Wardens. The academies could land on planets when an assignment or tests called for it, and when in space the giant schools produced their own breathable atmosphere, and artificial gravity. Once the ship landed in the docking area of the academy, Ryan and the other human children went through the initiation process of being shown around the academy and given the rules of the school. He learned that the Galactic Wardens were an interstellar police force similar to the Green Lantern Corp, but instead of answering to one race of beings, the Galactic Wardens were lead by a joint group of leaders from all over the galaxy. The Wardens' duties were to combat lawless throughout the galaxy and Ryan would be training to become one. Because of how long the training of a Galactic Warden is, most recruits who begin training are children and can range from ages ten to as little as five. Once the tour and indoctrination ceremony was complete, Ryan was shown to the living quarters for the new students and was told by a service robot that their training would begin in the morning the next day. He found it hard to sleep after having such a big change in his life and he found this true for the other human recruits as well as some of the aliens. So they spent a good few hours introducing themselves and talking about their life before the scout ships picked them up. Like with Ryan, a lot of them had tragic pasts and were orphans on their home planet. The next day they were shown to the training center by one of the staff members of the academy and that's where they met their Galactic Warden training officer. He was a humanoid alien with the appearance of what looked like a wolf like dog but with skin that was more similar in texture to that of hippo, and he had four heavily muscular arms instead of two like a human. As Ryan almost expected, the training officer was a hardcore and strict teacher of the physical arts of fighting. The first thing he said to them was his name which was Powlor, and that he was going to be their worst nightmare as students and push them to their limits. He first had them to forty pushups and then made them run around a tracker for a couple of miles. He then made them lift weights for over an hour without even giving them a break, and several of the new trainees passed out from exhaustion. After several hours of strength and endurance training they were finally allowed to go eat and have a break. Training was incredibly and the next day they went into hand to hand combat lessons. Eventually they started training to use the alien weapons that Galactic Wardens use to fight crime in the galaxy. And so Ryan spent many years training to become a Galactic warden and eventually he graduated the academy and became a full Galactic Warden, as a way of protecting their identities, Galactic Wardens take up aliases, and Ryan chose the name Star Striker as his alias. He then spent several years fighting off threats to the galaxy and eventually found his way back to earth on an assignment to find out more about the cosmic event that brought the two universes together and to possibly put an end to the threat of Dark Thanos. Other: he has a space ship called the [url=http://rpggamer.org/uploaded_images/chzwing1.jpg]Starhawk[/url] which he uses to travel the galaxy.[/hider]