[center][img=http://share.gifyoutube.com/y7W43Y.gif][/center] [i]"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."[/i] That was the second worse thing Captain Boomerang had heard in the while. The first being that Catman was stuck in this place with him. That guy could sure use a good hit on the noggin' with a boomerang, that was for sure. Speaking of hitting people with boomerangs, Digger eyed down the guards around him. One unfortunate sod just had the pleasure of having his necked snapped at a 100 mph. He wasn't getting up anytime soon. Digger continued to stand and watch as the crazy-cat guy ran forward also, slicing his way through numerous coppers. Groaning, he decided to follow, slowly removing several projectiles from his satchel. Strolling forward, he launched one forward with a quick flick of his arm. The boomerang glimmered as it flew through the air, it's razor sharp blades spinning as it curved around Catman ahead of his him and in the general direction a group of incoming security guards. A scream of pain told him that he'd hit his mark and with a small cheer, Digger punched the air in joy, before throwing several more around the room. "Did that Waller bird actually specify where this plane actually is?" Captain Boomerang questioned as he watched the carnage before him. "As I don't mean t' be a stick in the mud but i thought that would be important information." Before he could go on with his complaining, the villain threw himself to the floor against a wall, narrowly avoiding fire from ahead. This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Sure Boomer was slightly honored at having been picked by Waller, but he would have preferred a facebook message or something first. The thought of the explosives made him slightly unnerved although he figured now probably wasn't the best time to raise these issues. Deciding it was either move or die, he sprang forward, his hands darting through his satchel once more, before finally settling on a certain boomerang partially covered in orange plastic unlike the others. Waving the explosive-boomerang in the air, he shouted again to his new "teammates". "I'm guessing we need a door out of here anyway, so where should I open the bloody thing?"