[quote=Gunther] It is 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18C) here in Southeastern Massachusetts this morning, but feels like -18F (-28C) with the wind. I'm heading out for a run. Will probably only do a mile. The key ingredient is the masque over the face. [/quote] I prefer a scarf wrapped once over forehead and then locked in place with a wrap around the face. Add hat or a third wrap for top. -Downside: either makes turning your head a bit stiff, or eventually comes undone; may leave an exposed space at back of head. -Upside: Covers ears, face, neck, and everything between the brim of your hat and your eyebrows, will not fog-up glasses. News claims -40 windchill here. *Walking 3 miles in this sort of blizzard (it just dumped a foot of snow) usually results in frost accumulating on scarf, seems to make some people nervous when I walk in as-such as they're preparing to leave. It's only -10. The news reporters should learn to wear a hat. I showed-up to work in a windbreaker and a sweater. Removed sweater. -The important thing to counter windchill is to cover all exposed areas with something that cannot be ever described as 'breezy'. Oh, and I'll be sure to get Marlena some training on the M72 so she can bring two to the fight.